Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Weird Weather and Preparing for Lent

So many things I'd like to share, so I will jump right in.

Last Friday was SUCH a better day than Thursday. I showered, brushed (and flossed) my teeth, put on real clothes read my Bible, sang along to one of my favorite worship CD's,and worked on my raw, vegan, gluten free macaroon recipe. All this before 11:00am! It was a good day. Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. Early on that morning we discussed taking Camille on her first trip to First Monday Trade Days in Canton (ten miles from our house.)

Leaving home around noon, we didn't get back until about 6:00pm and Camille had a wonderful day- which means mama had a wonderful day too. The temperature was perfect: mid-seventies and there was a cool breeze.

We wandered the antiques and tools and through all sorts of clothes and handmade items. Seriously, you can find almost anything at First Monday! My mom and dad met us there and we ended up making a day of it before going for tacos at our favorite place in Canton, The Taco Shack. Literally, it's a shack, no indoor seating,  but it was still so nice outside. We filled our bellies with $1.25 tacos and headed home. (These are Baja style, California tacos made on corn tortillas with cilantro, lime, grilled onions and cabbage---mmmm good!!)

Camille crashed when we got home (after a nice warm bath. I just HAD to wash the snotty, sticky, lint-necked girl!). All that fresh air and sunshine did her in!!

Sunday the ice storm to end all ice storms moved in.  For some reason we thought it wasn't going to get bad until Sunday night, so we headed to Tyler to have lunch with the Stockhammer's and Alaina. Turns out it got pretty bad pretty quick and we drove in that mess the entire way home. Our normal thirty minute trip took well over an hour.

However, as always, it was so very nice and refreshing to get to spend a few hours with our friends eating (what else) tacos and laughing at stories. My macaroons got a thumbs-up from the taste-testers and Camille loved "talking" with the little people. Kids love a baby, but she loved them too. I am anxious to see how they interact and play together in the coming years. When I look at Micha, who is exactly one year and two days older than Camille, I see how quickly Camille will be growing up.

And I left that evening, not only with some delicious pork loin, but a bag of material and ribbon. Someone gave the bag to someone who gave the bag to Lora who gave the bag to me... (See how nice that worked out?!) Which is great since next week, while everyone is on Spring Break, I hope to learn how to work my sewing machine. Pillowcases and simple window panels are first on  the list.  The bag of fabric has many patterns for little girl dresses that are pre-cut. Viola. Perfection. I just hope I am capable.

We got home Sunday about 5:30pm and I haven't left the house since. Chris's school even canceled classed both Monday and today. I've made lots of eggs, biscuits and every fresh vegetable we had in the house. Our refrigerator is pretty bare, except for lots of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and eggs. A lady down the road sells the most beautiful eggs for $3.00/ 18.

Thinking alot about Lent around this house. Talking alot about sacrifice and going without and simple living and leaving space for God to talk and move and show us things.
Here is a GREAT WEBSITE for preparing your heart for Lent and devotionals for each day.

Also, here is THE LINK to the complete birth story of Camille. If you are interested!

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