Monday, February 6, 2012

Catching Up

I realize I've been silent for awhile. So, I thought I'd post and say, I'm alive and well. Things are great, actually, as Chris and I dream and prepare and wander through life together.

I'm not sure what it is but perhaps I needed a bit more than my normal "half-caf" this Monday morning. I did get my eight hours last night and had a pretty lazy Sunday afternoon- but these bright florescent lights are killing me right now. I wish I could dim the reception lighting and I'm seriously considering some preemptive Advil very soon. One hour of endorphins and eight ounces of coffee into my day, and at 11:00AM I'm ready to call it quits!

I've been reading reviews online on NPR, Amazon, goodreads and adding books to my list at There is so much good literature out there: fiction and non-fiction, self-help and research, poetry and the classics. I almost started making a list of books I'd like to get my hands on soon--- but decided that I have enough on my plate already, as I'm looking for the right time to start The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. And yesterday when I saw a preview for the movie Hunger Games I thought that I'd really like to read the book. The images from the movie piqued my interest.
So, I have been reading and I have actually been writing too, just not blogging. Sometimes, what I'm going through and experiencing I feel more comfortable putting in my spiral notebook in stead of online (go figure!). Some things need massaging and pondered in a way that pen and paper can do much better than keystrokes. Not that my life isn't terribly interesting--- BUT, the main focus of my life right now is pretty much consuming my brain's capabilities to think elsewhere. And, I'm not ready for full disclosure....

As we tumble into the second week in February I'm extremely grateful and forever commenting on this mild winter. I love it. Compared to our first winter here when I constantly said, "If it's going to be this cold it might as well be snowing..." now I'm crossing my fingers that March will be here before we know it. Not that March guarantees that we are home free or anything (it's snowed in April before), but I will be fine if we don't see inches of snow accumulation this winter.
This past weekend was the Superbowl, which doesn't mean anything to me really, except that I went "in" on the game at work (which is 100% based on luck and has nothing to do with team stats or anything like that) and I watched in the hopes of winning some money. Surprisingly enough, I did not. After returning from the gym yesterday afternoon, I roasted some broccoli and carrots which I served to Chris with two slices of leftover pizza. So much for potato skins and cheese dip- I splurged on a bag of jalapeno popchips and kindly told Chris that if he wanted buffalo wings, he could order some.

I'm so grateful for a husband that doesn't crave ESPN and sports center. Not that football or baseball every now and then are bad, it would just be so annoying all that clamoring and chatter and nonsense about stats and players and historical game facts. I hate that sort of talk-- "yada, yada, yada...."

So, yeah, we watched the game. I worked on my Valentines in-between commercials.

My quads and glutes are sore from the new plie-like lunge I'm doing. I don't think I'll ever master it, or that it will ever become easy; sort of like lunges and squats. I pretty much hate doing it. And I still hate trying to hold plank, although at least I'm trying now, even if I'm still trying to reach 30 seconds...

Just like I'm still trying to work on that iron level and that vitamin D level. I had more bloodwork last week, so I'm hoping for better results. Not much else new, I cut Chris's hair for the second time and felt a bit more confident, even if I did have to stand on the shower ledge to reach the top of his head.

I got a new Camelbak water bottle (for free with my online vitamin order). Not that I had a problem drinking lots of water before, but now- with the straw, wow I gulp down my water. I learned quite quickly that I have to cut myself off at night. After the first day with my new water bottle I *think* I had to get up three times in the middle of the night. I say think because I don't really remember--- this is not a good thing---. Let's just say that I remember waking up most of the night (from the hours of 11:30-3:30) with a full bladder thinking I really need to get up... Because I don't like sleepwalking or wetting the bed, I've decided to not risk it anymore and put my straw away by 7:00pm.

Nothing too exciting, hu? Perhaps I'll bare my soul sometime soon.

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