Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Busy Bee

My days are so FULL right now. As I anticipate the warmer weather and coming Spring. Today, I have the front door wide open, and the blinds open and drapes drawn. During Camille's first nap of the afternoon I made dinner (stuffed pablano peppers) and banana muffins that Chris takes for his breakfast during the work week. I also did two loads of laundry...

I seem to try to do about ten different things (multi-tasking to the maximum) during her nap time. Especially since this week we have something every single day!

Work on Monday went pretty well. Camille went down for two naps VERY easily. I set up the pack-n-play and plug in her sound machine, found a dark, quiet large closet and she was quite happy!  Going into work, however, is going to maximize our weeks. But, that is okay. This is not a long term arrangement, if it were, I don't know how I'd do it. Laundry and groceries and Bible study and house cleaning. I don't want to completely neglect Camille, sitting her in the swing (which I also lugged up to the office) and putting on Baby Einstein for hours on end.

Last week, while Chris was on Spring Break, in addition to going to the eye doctor and out for breakfast at the Stockhammer's restaurant (which I still had never done...) I learned the very BASIC ins-and-outs of the sewing machine. My very own sewing machine. Which, was not easy with Camille-- but mom and I managed. I stitched some basic pillow cases and quickly realized, once I got home, that I don't even own a decent pair of scissors. Or a pin cushion. Or thread.... But I do have some material, and ribbon that was given to me and made a very BASIC dress for Camille! It took me an entire afternoon, but I did it.

Camille and I are also registered for baby swim lessons for June/ July which I'm super excited about. The classes are 30 minutes long for six-weeks on Saturdays in Tyler. Yay!!

Those are The Facts... Here's what's on my heart:

The Church. Christians. The Church as a whole.

I want so much to initiate change. Revival. To have local/ global significance. I'm tired of putting Christ in a box. I'm tired of those around me, not loving the church like Christ loves the church. We can't say we love Christ and not love His Church. I think I just miss being plugged in. I miss being a part. I miss working along side my brothers and sisters in Christ and seeing God move. I'm tired of routine, of three hymns, a prayers, two more songs, passing a plate, a 30 minute sermon, and walking out the back door at 12:01pm.

I just want people to want growth.

And all that stuff...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

We Need God, All the Time

Happy Sabbath. 
A quick update on how my Lenten journey is going...

I'm really not doing well at all!! Chris has been home on Spring Break and my routine/ Bible study time/ desire to stick to it.... it went on Spring Break too!

Let me update you on my LIST:

My TEN list looks like this:
Whole wheat bread (Ezekiel Bread--- yes, Ezekiel RAISIN bread?? with Ghee??)
Sweet potatoes (and butternut squash, and acorn squash...)
Spinach (and kale with roasted garlic...)
Avocado (Guacamole has avocado, right?)
Apples (Oranges too? and Bananas?)
Chicken (the occasional tofu?)
EggsPlain greek yogurt (with granola and honey?)

Plain and simple. Water. Black Coffee. Salt. Pepper. Olive Oil.I'll let you know how it goes.

SO, as you can see the only thing I've been pretty good about eliminating is sweets/ sugar...And IF the day found us out and about (ie. our friends lovely cafe for breakfast, or the Whole Foods salad bar) I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. 

Instead of feeling like a complete failure, however, I've let these weeks remind me that I can not do this. I can not live this life apart from Christ. Even if I COULD check everything off perfectly on my little check list, it's not about works or deeds. I need a God. I need a God who is so much bigger than me. Daily. 

And I have two more weeks. I have time to ask forgiveness and move forward and still reflect and learn and grow. It's a journey.

There are so many things I'd like to tell you, (and perhaps I can come back to this later today... tomorrow..??) Like how my husband bought a greenhouse and tilled up our entire backyard and we are in the process of getting a garden started. 

How Camille is sleeping in her own room now (for 7 days straight!) and in her own crib now and how mom and dad are back together alone in their bed in their room...

How I finally bought some clothes that fit, (albeit in a size that I'd much rather never had have to have bought. Especially 6 mo. postpartum) I got 4 skirts, a dress, 6 tops and a pair of dressy flip-flops (yes, there is such a thing!!) for $100 at a resale shop called Clothing Mentor.  My mom was able to go with me and watch Camille. I've got to get this weight off!! BAH!!! 

However, when I feel terrible about my body I realize that I really have nothing to complain about compared to so many.

Like my friend who's husband just walked out on her and their two very small children last week... 

Like my friend who has breast cancer and will go through chemotherapy, radiation and a double mastectomy in the coming months. 

Like my sisters new niece (on her husbands side) who was born a month premature. With a hole in her heart. And has now been diagnosed with a genetic disorder. This is not the baby they dreamed of. This is not the little girl they thought they'd be bringing home.

And tomorrow I go back to work (with Camille in tow) part-time. As needed. To help my friend who will have rough days ahead as she battles cancer. I'm nervous about it. Need my little girl to nap well and be happy and I want to still nurture and play and spend time with her.

This week she turns 6 months old. Time has flown. She is such a joy. And a blessing. 

If Chris and I cross your mind, please pray for us as we consider pastoring this church. It's a long story, and neither of us (in the flesh) really WANT to be pastors here. BUT, time and prayer and seeking God's will have led us to at least consider it. Chris put in his resume for consideration... So, we'll see what happens. 

Spring is just around the corner!! 
Growth and New Life.
Leave your eyes open, and don't miss how God is working in and all around you. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Forty Day Journey

Eight years ago today, I got married. March 5, 2006 I married the one I could no longer live without. BUT, it wasn't this day:

Or, this day

Nope. This was our wedding that happened on October 5, 2006. So, what's this March 5th anniversary all about?!  Well, it's a long story, (if ya want to know, just ask me) BUT, Chris and I were REALLY married on March 5th in the Stockhammer's living room on Harvestwood Drive in Tyler, Texas. 

See, told ya so. 

March 5, 2006 

Christoph and Chris

Lora, Alaina and Stef

Today is also Ash Wednesday. The beginning of Lent.  I did not grow up recognizing or celebrating this day, or this season. Up until very recently I really had no idea what it was all about, besides that whole "giving up something." I hope I don't offend anyone here, but I just read on someone's Facebook post (a friend of a friend- I have no idea who she is, so hopefully she won't ever read this comment here...) that she was giving up "fried apricot pies and cheesecake." No lie. 

I think that if we are giving up fried pies and cheesecake (neither of which I have personally had in eons) then perhaps we might be missing the point. Maybe. Or maybe this particular person really does have an addiction to fried apricot pies and cheesecake. I doubt it. I thinking they will probably replace the fired apricot pie with fried cherry pie and the cheesecake with a cannoli and call Lent a success. OK, I'll stop judging now. Yes, I see the plank in my own eye. I'll work on it first.

For Lent we are going clean. Yes, that means no fritos, or cheetos or doritos. No saltines or potato chips or popcorn. Not even any rice cakes or Almond Crisps or dried apricots or raisins. We are eating 100% real food 100% of the time. 

I started with Jen Hatmakers list from her book "7" and sort of went from there. 

My TEN list looks like this:
Whole wheat bread
Sweet potatoes
Plain greek yogurt

Plain and simple. Water. Black Coffee. Salt. Pepper. Olive Oil.
I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm not going to an Ash Wednesday service. I wouldn't even know where to go, besides to my local Catholic church. And I'm not even sure where that is. I am going to diligently try and set aside time to read these daily readings, as I have found them so very wonderful in previous years. (Baby's first nap of  the morning has worked well. I just have to remind myself to SIT DOWN and not run around doing dishes, laundry, paying bills etc. It's me time. It's God's time. Stuff will always be there and will always demand my time. It will always seem more pressing...)
 Additionally, THIS BLOG, A Holy Experience, is so stinking good. 

"The next 40 some days isn’t about what you’re giving up —- it’s about Who you’re giving in to. That’s the real invitation of the next 40 some days: Give up a bit of your stuff so that you can give Him more of yourself."

I didn't go to Bible Study yesterday, because Chris was still home, and school was canceled and I love time together, the three of us. Even if it is the third day at home... stuck inside because of ice.

Today I skipped MOPS. I went to talk to my most recent employer about going back to work part-time. See the girl I worked with, we grew up together. We were best friends fourth grade through eighth grade. Then, in high school, we just sort of had different interests and went different ways. Working with her from February until Camille was born in September was so nice. Just to be friends again. But, last week something changed in her world- she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. At 33 years old. With two little boys. Completely out of the blue.

So, since her life has been turned upside-down I offered to go in a couple of days a week. To help her out as much as I can with Camille strapped to me. I plan on taking my swing and pack-n-play and a big quilt up there next week and just doing what I can do, when I can do it. 

Since she's shared with me I keep thinking about being ten-year-old girls. About swimming parties and sleepovers and boys and all the things we learned about life together. Between then and now we've both been through some crap and some hard times and lived a lot of life. I'm sure we'd both say that we've experienced things we never thought we would. But this. This is Cancer. With a capital C. But it's still not bigger than our God. 

Driving 30 miles to work 2/3 days a week with a 5 month old isn't convenient. But neither is cancer. And I'm really convicted that this is what I should do. For now. For a month or two or three or however long it takes. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Weird Weather and Preparing for Lent

So many things I'd like to share, so I will jump right in.

Last Friday was SUCH a better day than Thursday. I showered, brushed (and flossed) my teeth, put on real clothes read my Bible, sang along to one of my favorite worship CD's,and worked on my raw, vegan, gluten free macaroon recipe. All this before 11:00am! It was a good day. Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. Early on that morning we discussed taking Camille on her first trip to First Monday Trade Days in Canton (ten miles from our house.)

Leaving home around noon, we didn't get back until about 6:00pm and Camille had a wonderful day- which means mama had a wonderful day too. The temperature was perfect: mid-seventies and there was a cool breeze.

We wandered the antiques and tools and through all sorts of clothes and handmade items. Seriously, you can find almost anything at First Monday! My mom and dad met us there and we ended up making a day of it before going for tacos at our favorite place in Canton, The Taco Shack. Literally, it's a shack, no indoor seating,  but it was still so nice outside. We filled our bellies with $1.25 tacos and headed home. (These are Baja style, California tacos made on corn tortillas with cilantro, lime, grilled onions and cabbage---mmmm good!!)

Camille crashed when we got home (after a nice warm bath. I just HAD to wash the snotty, sticky, lint-necked girl!). All that fresh air and sunshine did her in!!

Sunday the ice storm to end all ice storms moved in.  For some reason we thought it wasn't going to get bad until Sunday night, so we headed to Tyler to have lunch with the Stockhammer's and Alaina. Turns out it got pretty bad pretty quick and we drove in that mess the entire way home. Our normal thirty minute trip took well over an hour.

However, as always, it was so very nice and refreshing to get to spend a few hours with our friends eating (what else) tacos and laughing at stories. My macaroons got a thumbs-up from the taste-testers and Camille loved "talking" with the little people. Kids love a baby, but she loved them too. I am anxious to see how they interact and play together in the coming years. When I look at Micha, who is exactly one year and two days older than Camille, I see how quickly Camille will be growing up.

And I left that evening, not only with some delicious pork loin, but a bag of material and ribbon. Someone gave the bag to someone who gave the bag to Lora who gave the bag to me... (See how nice that worked out?!) Which is great since next week, while everyone is on Spring Break, I hope to learn how to work my sewing machine. Pillowcases and simple window panels are first on  the list.  The bag of fabric has many patterns for little girl dresses that are pre-cut. Viola. Perfection. I just hope I am capable.

We got home Sunday about 5:30pm and I haven't left the house since. Chris's school even canceled classed both Monday and today. I've made lots of eggs, biscuits and every fresh vegetable we had in the house. Our refrigerator is pretty bare, except for lots of Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and eggs. A lady down the road sells the most beautiful eggs for $3.00/ 18.

Thinking alot about Lent around this house. Talking alot about sacrifice and going without and simple living and leaving space for God to talk and move and show us things.
Here is a GREAT WEBSITE for preparing your heart for Lent and devotionals for each day.

Also, here is THE LINK to the complete birth story of Camille. If you are interested!