Sunday, March 16, 2014

We Need God, All the Time

Happy Sabbath. 
A quick update on how my Lenten journey is going...

I'm really not doing well at all!! Chris has been home on Spring Break and my routine/ Bible study time/ desire to stick to it.... it went on Spring Break too!

Let me update you on my LIST:

My TEN list looks like this:
Whole wheat bread (Ezekiel Bread--- yes, Ezekiel RAISIN bread?? with Ghee??)
Sweet potatoes (and butternut squash, and acorn squash...)
Spinach (and kale with roasted garlic...)
Avocado (Guacamole has avocado, right?)
Apples (Oranges too? and Bananas?)
Chicken (the occasional tofu?)
EggsPlain greek yogurt (with granola and honey?)

Plain and simple. Water. Black Coffee. Salt. Pepper. Olive Oil.I'll let you know how it goes.

SO, as you can see the only thing I've been pretty good about eliminating is sweets/ sugar...And IF the day found us out and about (ie. our friends lovely cafe for breakfast, or the Whole Foods salad bar) I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. 

Instead of feeling like a complete failure, however, I've let these weeks remind me that I can not do this. I can not live this life apart from Christ. Even if I COULD check everything off perfectly on my little check list, it's not about works or deeds. I need a God. I need a God who is so much bigger than me. Daily. 

And I have two more weeks. I have time to ask forgiveness and move forward and still reflect and learn and grow. It's a journey.

There are so many things I'd like to tell you, (and perhaps I can come back to this later today... tomorrow..??) Like how my husband bought a greenhouse and tilled up our entire backyard and we are in the process of getting a garden started. 

How Camille is sleeping in her own room now (for 7 days straight!) and in her own crib now and how mom and dad are back together alone in their bed in their room...

How I finally bought some clothes that fit, (albeit in a size that I'd much rather never had have to have bought. Especially 6 mo. postpartum) I got 4 skirts, a dress, 6 tops and a pair of dressy flip-flops (yes, there is such a thing!!) for $100 at a resale shop called Clothing Mentor.  My mom was able to go with me and watch Camille. I've got to get this weight off!! BAH!!! 

However, when I feel terrible about my body I realize that I really have nothing to complain about compared to so many.

Like my friend who's husband just walked out on her and their two very small children last week... 

Like my friend who has breast cancer and will go through chemotherapy, radiation and a double mastectomy in the coming months. 

Like my sisters new niece (on her husbands side) who was born a month premature. With a hole in her heart. And has now been diagnosed with a genetic disorder. This is not the baby they dreamed of. This is not the little girl they thought they'd be bringing home.

And tomorrow I go back to work (with Camille in tow) part-time. As needed. To help my friend who will have rough days ahead as she battles cancer. I'm nervous about it. Need my little girl to nap well and be happy and I want to still nurture and play and spend time with her.

This week she turns 6 months old. Time has flown. She is such a joy. And a blessing. 

If Chris and I cross your mind, please pray for us as we consider pastoring this church. It's a long story, and neither of us (in the flesh) really WANT to be pastors here. BUT, time and prayer and seeking God's will have led us to at least consider it. Chris put in his resume for consideration... So, we'll see what happens. 

Spring is just around the corner!! 
Growth and New Life.
Leave your eyes open, and don't miss how God is working in and all around you. 

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