Friday, June 7, 2013

Miracle Amongst the Mayo

My unborn child has more books than anything else. Already. I just realized this yesterday when I bought four books at our libraries book sale. I added these to the books already purchased for her from family and friends. I have a feeling they will all be put to good use. Add my obsession to the fact that my mother-in-law is a high school librarian (of over 25 years) and my mom's children book collection could rival any public library. This girl better be a reader!
In other book news this is how I am sitting at my desk today:
Despite weekly chiropractor visits, walking 2-3miles most mornings and doing my very best, my back pain is out of control. At my 24 week midwife visit this week she told me it was my sciatic nerve. What?! I always associated sciatica with numbness of the legs - but this pain is really more in the top of my ever-increasing-butt than my back. But, she walked right over to me, but her thumbs in those tender areas and asked, "Is this where it hurts?" Why, yes. Yes it is. Help!
Both she and my chiropractor say five months is a little early for back pain, but here we are. So, she got onto me about sitting correctly at work, and while driving, and to sleep with that stupid pillow between my knees. "It makes me hot," I whined. Which is when she looked at Chris and says, "It's gonna be a long summer." Thanks. I agree. The heat and humidity really a do a number to my head. I want to crawl out of my skin and choke someone. But maybe that's all about to change, somewhat....
Let me tell you a miraculous little story:
Wednesday evening, after my appointment in Tyler I was spending time with one of my best friends Alaina. She waxed my eyebrows (she's an esthetician) and then we headed to the health food store before going back to her apartment. - The fun never stops, right? Walking up and down the aisles of quinoa and dried fruits, while contemplating whether or not I should buy some nayonaise, (which you'll be happy to know, I opted out. Soy based- ick.) this girl approached me. Ok, woman, someone about 24-years-old.
She asked if she knew me, where I was from, and tried to recall why I looked familiar. She looked familiar too, but I see a lot of familiar faces that I can't place. I'm from East Texas. I lived in Tyler for four years during college. And three years after graduate school. I worked in retail for five years. Church. The gym. Bars. Restaurants. Ex-boyfriends roommates cousins... Yeah, it all blurs together.
Then she exclaimed, "Did I sell you my car?" That was it.
We bought her 1997 Honda Civic in February. About a week after we found out I was pregnant. Hoping it would make it a year. Just a good little car.
And it is a good car, I guess. 89,000 miles (that's all). An entire notebook and spiral filled with receipts and inspections and everything... BUT... after a month of driving it we had a feeling, and we were right, the transmission is going out. Which costs about what we paid for the car to fix. So, we just decided I'd drive it until....
Well, since February we've changed the ignition switch (Chris, not me!) I just called him from work crying. AND last week, after leaking some water, it was out of commission while Chris changed the thermostat and waited on the right hose from the Honda dealership. Both of these were easy, affordable fixes. Less than $100 all together. But they are part of the reason I had car. And driving and didn't miss it one bit in NCY. Here's my BIG issue with this car though:
The car has no air conditioning.
Didn't really think to check that in February. Yeah, it blows, but it's not cold. At all. And it's so hot to this little mama. I'm pretty bitter about this.
But we've waited, because "when Chris get's a job, I will get another car." But this has still not happened. And the $400-$500 to fix the air conditioning would be not that big of a deal, if we weren't told that the transmission may last  a week, or it may last another 50,000 miles.
And we have a baby coming.
So, I tell said 24-year-old girl "B" that "it's running okay. It's had some issues, but the air conditioner is out."  There is a long pause. A silence not so noticeable in the movies or on TV, but in the health food store, it was noticeable. I tired to keep eye contact.
"I want to pay to have your air conditioned fixed," she said.
"Why," I said, through a big smile, trying not to cry- looking at Alaina, like, did she just say what I thought she said....??! I'm so glad you are here with me to witness this crazy interaction....
"I just feel like it's what I'm supposed to do. I want to bless you with this."
Um. Okay.
We talked a little more, exchanged numbers. I told her I was pregnant and due in September, to which she replied, "I see." I guess it's noticeable now.
I think she was sincere and said what God laid on her heart in that moment. I think she was listening to the Holy Spirit. Do I think she knew that the a/c was out when she sold us the car? I have no idea, but I really don't care.
But now I praying though what to do with this blessing. How to proceed. Because I'd hate to have a car with a/c and a month later no working transmission.

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