Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014 Update

Camille, 16 weeks old

I'll admit this week I said aloud, to Chris, "I don't know if I'm going to blog anymore..." The real reason being it's not exactly where/ what I want it to be. And I know that this problem is only going to bother me more the more my daughter is awake and moving and needing more and more of her mommy. But Chris replied, "You can't do that, they'll miss you." Not really sure who "they" are. You know, the ten of you who read this... But, I'll keep writing for now. 

I hate doing things half-ass. I hate being a part of something that is half-ass. But, I know this is just a simple blog. An outlet. You must like seeing pictures of my daughter and hearing about my little ole' life from time to time, so... 

I'll give you a quick update:

I joined MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and quit my job (officially) two weeks ago. I really enjoyed getting together with other stay at home moms of young children. It was the FIRST time I have left Camille (for two hours!) with someone besides Chris. There were only two children in the nursery and after I quizzed the poor girl, I felt pretty okay with the idea. Besides, it's a faith based organization. The meetings are held in a church. I was four doors down... Not exactly "gone." Camille and I both did fine. She slept the entire time and woke up hungry about ten minutes before our meeting was over.

Although it's January (albeit in Texas) we are able to go out to the park once or twice a week and walk. I enjoy getting outside and know this Spring and Summer will be so much fun - with a big girl. Crawling, interacting, walking!

I'm not sure if she is teething or not... but, I'm using homeopathic teething tablets and drops to try and combat her fussiness. She is a happy baby overall. Refuses naps from time to time, but for the most part she's well rested and alert. She does love a crowd and watching everything going on around her. If she's fussy at home, I go over to the loud crowded gymnasium at church on a Wednesday night and she's immediately as ease. 

We still use the Moby carrier (at church and out shopping) and have recently introduced the Ergo, which she initially resisted. In is an inward facing carrier and she does not like being kept away from the action. However, she is now tall enough to peek over the top and seems to be okay. She sleeps very well in the Ergo, which makes mama happy! 

I still LOVE my cloth diaper stash and have no problems with them. Although I thought I'd use them 100% of the time, I do use disposables when we leave home and at night. (I haven't found a cloth diaper that will last all night, but I haven't really researched it much. She's still sort of tiny for many of the diapers we own. And I'm sort of okay with this arrangement.) If I know I'm going to have to change her I'll leave home in disposables. 

Church- cloth
Errand to grocery store- cloth
Over to grandmas house- disposable
MOPS- disposable (I know other people may not appreciate my desire to be green and save money!)
All day shopping outing on New Years Day- disposable
Even though we did use alot of Newborn disposables and still use them from time to time, we have not had to buy any thanks to baby shower gifts and gift-cards!

While it was my desire to join Weight Watchers again (lost 30lbs in 2007), I decided - with Chris' help- that I already know WHAT to do, and I just need to do it! So, I'm trying to be diligent in this weight loss effort. I fear that when I DO finally get to where I want to be (like January 2015!) I'll be trying to get pregnant again...

I've prayed about started a Bible study in my home during the week. Not sure what it would look like... but it's something I feel is needed for ladies 25-40ish. Sometimes I think I should just jump in, and other times I feel so overwhelmed with the idea and trying to find people (drum up interest) that I just want to leave things as they are. "Who Cares?" and indifference.... NO!!!!!

I enjoy seeing my mom and dad with Camille. They LOVE that girl. And I'm grateful to be close to family so that aunts, uncles and grandparents can visit (and we can visit them) often. 

Christmas break flew by and it was so nice to have Chris home with us. 

She's changing daily. Developing. Growing. Learning.  

Camille LOVES her rubber bunny!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog posts! Keep 'em coming!! (That first picture is ridiculously coy and cute.)
