Friday, July 19, 2013

How You View It

Even though it's Texas, and it's summer and it's hot, I gotta say that I feel really lucky that it hasn't been as hot and sweltering as it usually is. It's rained for almost a week now. Every. Single. Day. Which hasn't made it much cooler, but at least it's overcast and only 90 degrees. I say this as I hear and see my friends in NYC complaining about the heat. Yeah, glad I'm not there... I also may be saying this a bit prematurely as we have yet to head into August. I've got the entire summer ahead of me. Baby girl is due on the autumnal equinox.

Our 30 week visit went well. My pride from the month previously (gaining only three pounds in the month) was deflated when I realized I'd gained 4 pounds this visit, in only two weeks. But I'm measuring at 27 weeks and as my midwife said, we like small babies. Not too small. I'm hoping for between 7-8lbs. That's what Chris and I each weighed at birth. That would make me happy. That's what keeps me going to the treadmill each day after work. A study that stated women who exercise have more "normal" sized babies. Yes. Please.

Our first session with our doula is next Thursday night. I'm assuming we'll discuss pain management and fears/ expectations and maybe even practices some positions.... Not sure. It's still very surreal to me to consider our little girl will be here in two months. Then what?! Right now I'm trying to find a pediatrician and that's wrecking my life. It's hard....When you're me I guess.

Our house continues to fill up with play mats and toys and books and baby carriers. It's just crazy to think this was no where in my mind, vision- not my plan, and yet here we are. She's all I can think about.

I'm trying to get my iron in, daily- because it was low at 28 weeks. I thought I was doing so well with the protein thing, but protein doesn't necessarily mean iron. Not the protein I'm consuming large amounts of (yogurt, chicken, fish....) Then, there's the water, which has become more difficult for me to drink because I already feel so full. I don't want to gulp large glasses of water when my stomach feels sloshy and about to erupt already.

My midwife assures me, "oh, you have plenty of room. You're not there yet...."

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