Tuesday, April 9, 2013

And a few months later... I'm back

I was reading a friends blog the other day. And on the sidebar she had a link to my blog, which said it hadn't been updated for three months. That did not make me proud.

I haven't been writing for lack of time; Lord knows. I haven't been writing because I don't want to or don't think about it. It's just that, well, I feel my Texas life is not as exciting to read about as my New York life... That and a million other little things.

For instance, I work with one other person. So, no work stories. I commute to work in a Honda Civic alone. So no commuter stories about bus, subway, walking half a mile down Second Avenue in a wind tunnel. I'm still trying to find community and friends and people that get me and I feel comfortable talking about things like organic dairy products and health food stores and Ann Voskamp's blog and making homemade bread and this new book I found and consignment shopping. I'm still looking for those to inspire me on in my art. And yeah, I'm making excuses, cause there are those people, I just don't see them daily like I did in NYC.

NYC is a funny place because it's much easier to be incognito (not so living in the town I was raised in. Population 11,000. Everyone knows me...) BUT, in NYC it's also much easier to immerse yourself in community, to find people who'll accept you and love you and speak truth in love to you. Cause there are just that many people.

I feel like I'm living in a fish bowl. And as much as I love storytelling and writing, it's hard for me to bite my tongue (literally as well as on this blog) because it'll be sort of obvious who I'm referring to. Let me clarify, I'm not trying to hurt feelings or detail the horrific events of something awful in someones life. It's just those quirky, random, "I'm so glad she said, cause everyone was thinking it" things that I usually write about- aren't so easy to write about.

So, here is what I can tell you:

I'm working. At a job.
I'm happy to be living closer to family (most of the time) and being able to spend birthday's and holidays together.
We got a ten week old puppy about ten weeks ago. So now she's a huge puppy. She's fun. She's full of energy and life and makes me laugh at least five times a day. (And if for no other reason, I guess she was worth taking in).

The spring has been glorious to experience: Tyler Azalea Trails on my birthday, Dallas in Bloom and the Arboretum, pastures full of phlox and bluebonnets and Indian paint brushes on my drive to work each morning. I've planted some flowers and shrubs and potted plants and enjoy watering my plants each day. (I know that sounds me-maw-ish, but I do). The days are getting longer at even at 7:00 I find myself wanting to leave the front door open and keep the shades drawn open a little longs. It's been nice- and I know the heat is coming.
I just began a Bible study with the women at church titled Brave Sunday night. And while my overall thoughts are that it's sort of skimming the surface and too "Lifeway Christian Bookstore Prepackaged Bible study," it's still the first week. And Bible study can never be a bad thing. I will make the most of it. Yes? I am responsible for my spiritual growth. But during some still and quiet time today, I felt that not writing is disobedient. For me. Cause this thing always lurks in the back of my mind. AND, I do enjoy it. It's not a burden, but a privilege.

And the other thing. That's been occupying majority of my mental capacity: I'm 16 weeks pregnant. Yeah, I guess leaving NYC was really all it would take for me. Who knew? Surely not I. So sweet country living isn't all that bad, just doing the reverse adjustment now. With a baby due Sept. 22nd. Trying to figure out what that looks like and how I'll ever be ready. (Or at least think I'm ready.)
More about baby later. Plus if you are a reader of this blog, you probably already knew. I don't pretend to think my readership spans outside of my inner circle too, too much!


  1. Congratulations! So happy for you!
    Kristy Ramirez

  2. Thanks Kristy. I have enjoyed keeping up with your life and current pregnancy journey. Glad you are writing!
