Here are the top experiences from the weekend:
1. While venturing out on Saturday we ran into some really heavy traffic on the scenic route. On the two-lane, no shoulder, 50 mph road there were lots of folks. When we got to the center of town, low and behold, we found ourselves at The World's Larges Garage Sale. You can't make this stuff up. It was like First Monday Weekend to the "N"th degree. (Sorry if you don't know what that is.) It was so weird. We just drove through the rummage which went on for miles. Oddly enough, Chris and I found it very entertaining. Yeah, there are people like that everywhere I guess.
2. Our hotel room at the Comfort Suites with a KING SIZE BED! The room was about the size of our apartment. So, so nice.
3. Eating at a random cozy restaurant named Tip-a-canoe. Our waitress was in her early 40's had long dark hair past her waist, wore no make-up but lots of patchouli and Birkenstocks. Chris's fish & chips consisted of a generous piece of halibut and lots of freshly cut fries. I got the veggie burger- which was made in-house with lentils and portobello mushrooms- and a side salad that was delish. We love going to the local, random restaurants. The ones where they actually prepare (and sometimes even grow) their own food. Joni Mitchell and Jack Johnson pumped through the speakers. While Chris drank his local ale, I told him it was probably her iPod hooked up to the sound system.
4. Leaves, leaves and lots of leaves. Rivers, rolling hills, farms, farmers, old tractors, chipmunks, apples & pumpkins and coffee shops and wooden bridges and hay silos and Green Mountain coffee. I love everything quaint and perfectly autumn about New England.
5. I peed in the woods. (If you want to know details surrounding why I did this I'll share, just not in this public forum.) This is only the second time in my entire life (that I can recall) that this has happened. (Yes, this is a highlight of the trip... I'm proud of me!)
6. Outlet Mall shopping at Van Heusen (for Chris) and Kenneth Cole (for me). Van Heusen carries men's fitted shirts that fit Chris wonderfully. We usually go "back to school" shopping there for him: sleeves long enough, collar big enough, but not too long and not too wide- which seems to usually be the problem. I got a new black peacoat. The one I currently own is a size 14 which makes me look like I am wearing my dad's jacket.
7. Listening to the new David Crowder Band CD,Church Music. I think it's been a year since Chris and I listened to a CD in the car while driving around. It's the little things, right? This is something I miss sometimes. When I had a car, it was where I listened to music and sang. So now, I have to make sure I get my music time in. And my singing time, too.
Pictures WILL come, I promise. I may post them on our old website. Blogger is not photo friendly. But I do want to share our weekend pictures with you all. Hopefully, they will get loaded this evening.
Between now and when I leave Laguardia for Texas Saturday morning at 8:00am I have to: deal with a broken dryer (I know, I know, at least I have a dryer in my apartment, right?), unpack, pack, take lots of straight pins and lots of cardboard pieces out of about 15 new men's shirts, go to a choir rehearsal, decide which group of girlfriends I'll be meeting for beverages after that choir rehearsal at 9:00pm- which is LATE for me, meet other friends Thursday night for pumpkin desserts-- and I think a birthday event?, and Friday a meeting to discuss our church Christmas event in New Jersey-- you know that OTHER state so, so far away! Hopefully, in all of this I can get my pictures uploaded and find the time to buy a couple special NY treats for my friends and family in Texas. Oh, yeah and tonight-- I'm pretty sure Chris will not be letting me do chores or errands- dinner and time together are on the agenda. I will not get the Swiffer out as badly as I want to.
How do working people get anything done? And I just have to take care of Chris and myself. We are down to the last roll of toilet paper & Chris still expects to eat everyday. Somehow oatmeal, Balance bars and yogurt aren't satisfying enough.
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