All before 9:00 today, I went to the gym, made a pot of coffee, stopped by a friends apartment to make sure her cat wasn't trapped in her bedroom (long story), got stuck underneath the city in a subway between 51st and 42nd "due to an earlier incident" for 12 minutes which made me three minutes late to work. Which is not too bad, all things considered. Tuesday, I was called at 7:00am and asked if I could make it in by 8:00am. Sure thing. I'll get right on it. So I was out the door by 7:30am and there were no cabs to be found, of course, because it was pouring. I hoof my way to the subway, stopping along the way to try and wave down a non-exist taxi-cab. I made it to the subway stop at 7:54. I arrived at Grand Central by 7:57 and in the doors of the office on the 19th floor at 8:04am soggy and sweaty beneath my synthetic tights, polyester-blend dress, and pleather knee boots.
And, it's okay now, but my first day back from Texas, last Friday, Chris took me to look at new apartments and I thought WW III was about to break out- or possibly he could just live downtown and I could live uptown. He could have the bachelor pad with the flat-screen TV, refrigerator just for beer and order take out every night. I'll keep my 10128 ZIP code and highrise studio, thank you very much.
I was kind of bratty. I hate moving. And packing. And cleaning. I just hate the idea of it. It wears me out. (And let's be honest, I do most of the packing and cleaning and quite frankly- it is a beating.) After a week of this unspoken tension, maybe unspoken is not the word but unknown tension, we have come to a resolution.
We can move. Chris's commute is a hassle and he hates it. And I realize this and I love him, I love him more than I hate the idea of moving. So, we will see what we can find. We can't move until our lease is up, we can't afford to throw away month's of rent- we agree on that. And we'll look closer to that date. There are great spaces for rent now, and there will be then too. So, even if we loose our washer and dryer, and our gym and our large kitchen-- I will make it work. And I realize most people wouldn't mind sending out their laundry or eating out more or saying "screw it" to the whole exercise thing, but I am not most people and I want what I want. Oh, wedded bliss.
I feel like once the page on the calendar flips over to November and I see that cornucopia spilling out with corn and wheat and apples and gourds, it will set in that the holidays are here. They are no longer coming, or something to look forward to, but actually upon us. We're in the midst.
Christmas in New York- so magical.
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