Thursday, August 8, 2013

This is My Life

My Texas summer has remained pretty uneventful, except for the fact that I'm pregnant. Which is pretty much all I think about: the arrival of this little girl.

Chris goes back to work next week, as a math teacher in Tyler. Kids don't start until August 26th, but we are coming up on that pretty fast too. I feel like I've been pregnant forever, since I have been pretty much since we moved back to Texas. For the most part it has flown by, however, I'm sure once the calendar is flipped over to September I'll be counting down the days.

Here are some things which fill my thoughts, time and energies these days.

1. Cloth diapering. I haven't even given it a try yet, but I'm so addicted to the idea. I've read so many reviews and tried to learn the jargon: flats, pre-folds, all-in-one, snappies, gussets. Then there are so many different brands. Not only of cloth diapers, but of detergents (DO not use the wrong ones!!) and diaper creams (that are cloth friendly... again don't use the wrong ones!). I have started a stash, but keep finding myself wanting to buy more, different, kinds. I do plan on using disposable the first two or three weeks in order to maintain a little sanity, so that I don't have too much new too soon, and for that nasty early baby poop.

2. Placenta Encapsulation. (say what??!!!)  I've been avoiding "going there" since Chris and I hadn't really made a decision and had just been reading and doing research and talking with people. BUT, we are going to take the plunge. Well, I am really the one taking the plunge, taking placenta pills after the birth of our daughter. Consuming the placenta is thought to help with postpartum depression, supply much needed energy, help balance hormones and increase milk supply. Weird? Gross? I'll give it a try.

3. Meditation and Stillness. I've started preparing my laboring soundtrack. Well, I actually have three playlists now. I have no idea what I'll want to listen to, if anything at all, during all of this--- so, I've made a few different iTunes playlists. Last night I worked on massage/ meditation music: ocean waves crashing, running water, stuff like that. Again, who knows what I'll want when the moment is here. I've also been trying to be diligent in listening to my Pregnancy and Childbirth CD which simply leads me through guided imagery and affirmations.

5. Vitamin/ Supplement Regimen. With just six weeks left until my due date, I'm seriously cracking down on my supplements. In addition to my prenatal, calcium and probiotics which I've taken through out my pregnancy I've now added iron, potassium, magnesium, fish oil, and alfalfa. AND... another outlandish, totally bizarre thing I'm doing is eating dates. Lots and lots of dates. Ok, actually 4-5 a day, but this can seem like a lot after days of consuming dates. A study revealed that those women who ate dates had a shorter labor. Not sure if there is any truth to this, but it's worth a shot. I discovered in further reading that Muslim women have believed in the power of dates for centuries.

6. Keep Moving. In addition to my treadmill walking (which is getting terribly slow and painful) I intend on weekly visits to my chiropractor once more. I get really bad round ligament pain in my lower belly when I pound that treadmill for more than 20 minutes. Which sucks, cause my lungs and my heart feel fine, it's just that big belly stretching out! That's when I move to the stationary bike. Which I'm sure is really ridiculous to see--- whatever. I'm staying active dang it! I've still been pain free- no aches or tension.

7. Limitations. Some things are getting ridiculously hard. These (unfortunately for Chris) include loading/ unloading the bottom rack of the dishwasher and unloading the dryer. Tying my shoe- forget it. Bending down to rub our dog Bella's belly- not happening. I can still squat really well though, so that is the option I usually go for.

Baby girl is active and growing and probably 5-6lbs now. We really won't know since we won't have additional sonograms. She's also had the hiccups three times in the last three days which, while I find cute, makes me feel bad for her. Poor thing.

Chris has been able to see and feel them as my belly jumps and pulses. It's still all sort of surreal. Even as I wash baby clothes, and crib sheets and put cloth diaper approved diaper creams in my cabinets and breast pads under my sink, I think, wow. Wow, there will be a baby here soon. Our baby, living in this house. Wow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stefani! I'm Heather and I was hoping you could answer a quick question I have about your blog! My email is
