Friday, December 6, 2013

Eleven Weeks as a Mom

In eleven short weeks my life has changed drastically. And I knew it would, but NOTHING can prepare you for the mayhem that is motherhood.

My current beauty routine includes: making sure my teeth are brushed (they are not brushed everyday, however, I am getting better about this!), wearing deodorant (again, not an everyday occurrence), is my hair brushed (not necessarily clean, but brushed.) I try to leave the house in a bra (often a nursing tank...) Yeah, that's about as good as it gets.

I have a new shirt. It's called a Moby. I wear it daily, and wash it when I can. And sometimes I wear my daughter when I use the bathroom. (I seriously wonder how common this is...) Hey, don't wake a sleeping baby, right?!

When I get my daughter down for a nap in her bassinet (a NEW thing in our home...) I am thinking, QUICK, quick, what can I get done??

Clean the shower?
Update the blog?
File bills?
Pump? (this is not something I am currently doing regularly, just here and there as I don't plan on being away from Camille for any length of time/ regularly any time soon.)

Monday, I cleaned both bathrooms, top to bottom, for the first time in about 12 weeks. I know this because I cleaned them a week or two before she was born. That is just gross people. But I don't regret it! My little girl is growing so quickly. BUT, it was nice to escape into some housework. Scrubbing the potty and dusting up small piles of hair is what I long to do. Not really, but it felt good. In some weird way.

I've seriously learned to do SO much with one hand. Luckily right now I'm getting to use both hands to type this blog entry.

While TV isn't really my thing, I started and finished all the seasons of Parenthood that are available on Instant Netflix. I had watched it before but couldn't really get into it. Now, that I have nothing but time, I decided to give it another go. I've also been watching Scrubs. Boy, that show got dumb in the last couple of seasons. I try to leave The Office, How I Met Your Mother and Rules of Engagement alone. Those are shows Chris and I try to watch together, so I don't want to zip through an entire Season in one afternoon... But I do LIKE them. This is what I do while nursing. Instant Netflix and read...
I'm enjoying seeing Camille change and mature and learn daily. She is turning into quite a happy girl after that first month of sleeplessness and constant fussiness. And the second month was a little better. I know how to read her now, although my mother says that will all change soon. She'll have me guessing again.

Today we made handprint ornaments out of salt and flour and I long for the days she can paint them with me. I don't want to rush her little life, but I try to imagine her as 3, 5, and 12 years old. Loving these moments!

1 comment:

  1. You need to watch "call the midwife" on Netflix!! You're welcome :) and I am right there with you on the personal hygiene... It's just the way life is with a newborn! Keep up the great work, mama :)
