Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Easy...

I haven't made rice crispy treats.... (um, maybe never) unsupervised that is. Seriously. It's been too long.

I avoid all things "cooking" - and I know this is a stretch to even be considered such, but I'm not good with ingredients. Says me. It's a problem I have called Not Trying because God forbid I make a mistake. So, I don't even go there. But these treats turned out well. Honestly, this is the first time I have ever used this huge mixing bowl that Chris and I received as a wedding gift. Travesty. I know, it's pittiful to waste such nice things as Cuisinart blenders, stainless steel mixing bowls and Hamilton Beach spatulas. Oh, well, such is my life. I blame my mother. Doesn't everyone blame their mother for everything... addictions, allergies, lack of height, lack of breasts, lack of eyesight. I don't blame my mother for these things. Just that she was- is a phenomenal cook. And I can't be her so I don't try.

Even now I know that this is not a good excuse because my middle sister is pretty good at holding her own in the kitchen, making meals and baking birthday cakes- she can follow a recipe. My youngest sister creates her own recipes and is considering being a chef as a profession. I can't follow a recipe and usually buy the wrong ingredients: baking power instead of soda, sweetened condensed milk instead of evaporated (which tastes much better from the can!) and chili powder instead of paste. If a recipe has cream of tartar- I put it back, requires a double broiler- I throw it away, uses the word baste, caramelize, or spring-form pan- I look for an easier way out.

It's a problem with me, I know, not my mother. It's this perfectionism thing I have. It's ruined me for too long. So, I decided to start easy- Rice Crispy Treats. This is one step up from my coke cake recipe which is only two ingredients. (If you don't know the coke cake recipe, you should. 1 box of cake mix, 1 can of soda- beat and cook. Voila! Cake!) It is the one thing I do know how to cook well. That, nachos, and a mean omelet.

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