While I do still love, and am very grateful for my job, I have not written in a long, long time. Well, not really. Journaled?-yes. Blogged?-some. Submitted?- wrote down some deadlines. Revised?- thought about it.
I just can't find the time. Bad excuse, I know. I realize that I do make time for things important to me. For example, I do get up at 5:45AM to go to the gym every weekday morning, and I usually find the time to go sometime during the weekend as well. I find the time to clean, do laundry, make cakes, buy Christmas cards... I am avoiding the writing thing. I'm staying busy with the nonsense again.
So, maybe I can't get as much writing done at work as I'd like to, but I know that there is some time here- oh, like a good two hours each day. I have a mental block- time, space, organization. I have to have the right music on and the right lighting and view and candles lit (you get the idea). I have to break though this. This isn't a real issue, I am the issue. My mental fog is the issue.
Somewhere, inside me, there are more stories that need to be told. More things that need to be worked through and pondered on and pilfered through- and I do realize this, even now. It's just starting. It's just doing it. I realize that only writing can fill that writers hole in my being - so, I might as well stop avoiding and do it already. Even if it means three less hours at the gym a week, or not making treats for choir rehearsal, or ordering dinner out a couple times a week. And seriously, it wouldn't even mean all of that. I just need to sit down and lay my fingers across the keyboard. Stare at the screen. Sit. Stare. Be still. Now that is a problem for me too.
I'd rather be smiley, cheery, over-the-top girl.
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