So, I've been designated the "photographer" for our church Christmas Concert because I "just have an eye for it." So, tonight more photos at the church. Mostly, I just submitted photos that I had already taken, however, I did enjoy taking pictures in Grand Central Station yesterday during the morning commute. There are so many people hustling and bustling about. I'm usually one of them, so to just stand still and watch the mayhem ensue- it was a little overwhelming. Not that this is news to me, but I've never just people watched during "rush hour."
Tonight, more photos, and tomorrow rehearsal. Thursday is our company "Holiday" Party and Friday more rehearsing. Saturday and Sunday are the nights of the Christmas Concert. And perhaps somewhere in all of this Chris and I will be moving across the hall to 32C. Although Tuesday is truly Dec. 15th we are hoping to be able to begin moving this weekend simply to have more time. We will not be taking off work. Then there's the cleaning and organizing and re-organizing and putting back together and hanging and arguing about what goes where. (Not too much of that, really.) I only have a couple of house rules:
1. No TV in the bedroom. Ever. This is a non-negotiable.
2. Most meals eaten/ prepared at home need to eaten together at the Dinner Table.
3. No clothes on the bedroom floor. (Except if they're getting worn again- jeans, hoodies, workout shorts, put them somewhere neatly.)
4. There do not need to be shoes in every room of the house. (Which we will now have two.)
These really aren't rules, just things that make me Me, and Chris knows that. So far, so good. He really is a great husband. He puts the toilet seat down, takes out the trash and loads the dishwasher- as well as puts dishes away. Most anything else he will do, if I ask him to because otherwise, he doesn't see it. And I honestly believe that.
Beer bottles on the coffee table, toothpaste in the sink, cobwebs and hair and fuzzy lint balls that seem to form overnight- he doesn't see them. He doesn't notice that there's half a pot of coffee left in the decanter from four days ago or that there are take-out menus by our front door that some delivery guy has shoved underneath. But when I ask, he'll start the washer and put away clothes in the dryer, except for his white undershirts which he says I fold perfectly. He'll pre-heat the oven and even wash the sheets- if I ask. Once, he even stopped at Trader Joes and bought my favorite soup and Clif bars and stood in that horrific line.
Yesterday he even did some of my Christmas shopping for me. HELLO, how did I get so lucky? Mostly, I love my husband for loving me as fiercely and un-relentless as he does. And because he calls me Super Sexy. Mostly every day.
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