So today I bought some rubber cement and some (more) fine tip sharpies. I do miss Hobby Lobby, and although there is nothing in this city quite like it there are some really great art supply stores that have various weight of fabulous paper and stickers and pens. Sam Flax is pretty great and Lee's Art Shop.
My scrapbooking boxes didn't make it to New York- because really who has space for rubber stamps, various scissors to make various edges, ink pads, card stock, sheets upon sheets of paper I bought because "it's just so pretty," ribbon, and stickers and things I had collected because they were "cute" and "different" and "nice?"Yeah, those quickly got the boot when we moved here. Now my wrapping/ decor/ ribbon all fit in a tiny Bath and Body Works sized paper bag.
So, last night I started randomly cutting out images from magazines and words and captions- like I used to. Not that I plan on jumping into the whole scrapbooking mayhem again, but I do want to make stuff with my hands, maybe note cards or artsy decorative decoupage things to frame. I don't know. I just miss it. Being artsy from time to time.
I think because it's Valentines Day and when I was younger we'd actually made our valentines. Last night I was telling Chris how I wish I had somebody to make valentines with. Someone to cut out hearts with and get glitter in my hair with and glue candy conversation hearts on doilies with. He said he'd do it with me. "Whatever I have to do to keep you from having a child right now, I will do." What a nice guy!
I wasn't implying that I actually wanted a kid to make cupcakes for and dress in white tights with red hearts and send to school with cupid stickers to pass out to all her classmates- what I was saying was I missed having the opportunity when I wanted it. Like helping in the Second Grade Sunday School class once a quarter- that's the kind of commitment I am willing to make. I don't want to teach the class, I just want to help. When I can.
I didn't make my Valentines this year. And today I decided I wasn't going to make cookies or cupcakes or treats for my co-workers or for Chris's staff either like I usually do. I'm just beat. I do enjoy it, but I can't right now. Physically I'm drained. And we leave for Tahoe next week, too. So, today when I bought my Elmer's rubber cement and Sharpies, I got four bags of chocolate that I can pass out at work and church (on Valentines Day) and send to school with Chris if he is so inclined. I do like doing things for other people- especially Chris's staff who work so hard and put up with my husband as a boss! He don't take no crap, y'all. He's definitely the "bad cop." Really, they are (mostly) great people, and they do love my husband- who is a great boss.
So Hershey's instead of baked goods, it's the best I can do!
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