In my prize package was also the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. The book jacket reads, "It's crazy if you think about it. The God of the universe — the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and e-minor — loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss." Love it! I think this book is going to be the next Chasing Francis for me. I can't wait, but first I have to finish the book which I'm currently reading.
Last night I ditched the Chiropractor and his wintergreen balm and incense and went straight home at 6:00pm where Chris was already lounging in his reclining side of our couch. So wonderful. And tonight- the same thing! Two nights in a row, no plans, no shopping, no doctors, no rehearsals. It's good.
Last night I made something new for dinner, although not really too exciting. It's a recipe I've seen no less than five times in my First for Women Magazine, Beef Taco Skillet. Y'all this ain't nothing special, but was put in magazines for simple folks like myself. However, being the health conscious, creative woman that I am I didn't follow the recipe but mixed it up a bit. I only used 1/2 of the beef called for (ground sirloin, my choice)- and added lots of veggies to bulk it up: onion, cubed zucchini and mushrooms (Personally, I'd like some red or yellow bell peppers but that is the one thing Chris will not eat. Well, that a raw onions. Sauteed onions are fine- or caramelized as he likes to call them- but not raw. Ewww!)
Of course I threw in HOT salsa, pepper flakes and dished mine out before adding the cheese, but all in all, I felt like it was pretty healthy(er) and a good way to get some roughage in hubbies diet. It may not be something that was ever served under my parents roof, but hey, I do what I can. So tonight, it's the other 1/2lb of beef with some (more) sauteed veggies - fajita style. We do Mexican alot. Even the dishes that I don't intend to be spicy Mexican dishes- somehow turn out that way... Oh, well. It's what we like.
So, home tonight. I'm really wanting to watch Groundhog Day, well, because that's what you do on Groundhog Day, right?
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