Thursday, February 25, 2010


So, I left home at 7:30 this morning in order to get to my dermatologist by 8:00 and them boogie on to work by 9:00. I've done this twice before. Twice, I've gotten on the tiny bus that travels the thirty blocks down York Avenue right to Sutton Place Dermatology- making it there in thirty minutes. Today, at 8:30, I was still sitting on the M31. It was already snowing and the bus was packed, at each stop more people piled on.

I debated going on to my appointment and just being an hour late for work, but when I thought about the reason for my visit and the $20 co-pay I'd have to pay and said, "Screw it." It was simply a follow-up visit after having a wart chopped off my chin about six weeks ago. I have a cream, it looks better- not great, but better. And really....? So, I marched in the snow/ rain/ continual wetness from York across 58th street all the way to Lexington where I waited until 8:50 at the bus stop. That is when I finally caved. I hailed a cab to get the next fifteen blocks which really ticked me off.

My goal was to just get to work- about 9:00ish- without paying for a cab. And for a measly 15 blocks that I would easily walk in May- but not this morning. So, I decided if I was going to be a few minutes late, I would AT LEAST have good coffee and I stopped at Starbucks for a grande skinny vanilla misto. Whatever. I decided before I walked in the door I was going to turn this frown upside down and change my attitude. Some things I can't control.

So, the rainy wetness has turned into snow and continued to fall throughout the day. Chris sent me the above picture with the subject "view out my window at work." The second, sunny picture a co-worker sent to me from our offices in LA when he heard that the weather was getting worse here in NYC- so much so that our monthly staff meeting was canceled. He was just rubbing it in.

I think I'm handling winter quite well this year. Although I did follow my mothers suggestion and purchased a bottle of Vitamin D. The only thing is I really wish I could run outdoors. I know I keep saying this, but just when I thought I'd attend the "group run" in Central Park on Saturday- I'm not quite so sure. They are predicting several more inches tonight and a possible 12-16 inches Friday night. Oy! When will it end?! (Hopefully, mid- April!! Last year I missed most of this, being it Texas from Feb 17-March 17, and I gotta tell you I didn't really miss it at all.)

Today-while eating my random, brought from home, lunch of sardines, a pickle, a boiled egg, half of a pita, a Clementine and some mayo-free slaw (WEIRDO) I thought of all the odd things I carry in my purse at any given time. - This lunch was actually in my purse earlier today- tied up in a couple plastic grocery bags- but nonetheless.

In my over sized handbag today alone I have: my March 22nd Edition of the First for Women Magazine that just arrived in the mail Tuesday, a book titled Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters- (this book, I can't say it's changed my life, or revolutionized the way I think, BUT I could have written this book. I told Chris, if he wanted to understand my "issue" my brain at all, he should skim the book for parts I've underlined. Yes, I read most non-fiction, and a few fiction books with a pen in had. Some things people say are so good. I LOVE WORDS!

In addition to two pieces of reading material I have my datebook, my iPhone, my jeweled sparkly business card holder which I use to carry my Metrocard, office pass, office ID, my Starbucks card, and a photo of my two sisters when they visited my in NYC.

I have a bottle of hodge podge vitamins which I take pills from with my lunch each day. A multivitamin, Vitamin B, Calcium, Psyllium Husk, and 5 HTP. In the morning and at night I take Magnesium, Potassium (because I can't tell them apart when they are thrown in the hodge hodge bottle- they look alike) and Acidophilus to get all my good bacteria. And I just ordered some Vitamin D- to help with that seasonal affective disorder. (I now how have a vitamin basket in the kitchen at home just like my mom did/ does!!! Oh dear...)

My purse also has ear-buds, band-aids, Emergen-C a Chocolate Raspberry Luna bar, wintergreen gum, Vanilla Bean Noel hand sanitizer, Shea Cashmere hand cream (which I have considered eating it smells so good), an addressed, stamped card to my Memaw which I've been mean to write in for about two weeks now, Kleenex and a bottle of Aleve.

I have four pens- two of which are not the kind I am supposed to carry in my purse. I always try to ONLY carry click pens in my purse, because somehow the cap always comes off leaving the inside lining forever inked. BUT, I love fine tip Sharpies. So, I'm being daring. I love pens though, good pens. They are worth splurging for. Like red bell peppers or Honeycrisp apples. Life's too short to eat yellow mustard- buy spicy, buy the kind with horseradish, or something.

I also have a wallet - but that's boring. And a cosmetic bag with about ten shades of lipstick and lip gloss, dental floss, a fingernail file, eyedrops, pressed powder and Origins Pulse Point Therapy.

And sometimes I carry an umbrella or a water bottle or my lunch or cardigan or Chris's Bible-- you know when you don't have the back seat of a car to throw all that you need in a day, you just strap it to your body.

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