Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

So, I didn't go straight home at 6:00pm last night. I went straight downstairs to the Irish Pub with a handful of folks from work, whereupon I consumed three glasses of Shiraz over a four hour time period, and still managed to feel pretty lousy most of today. I'm such a lightweight. And I didn't eat. Until I got home at 10:00pm, and devoured most every snack type food in our pantry. The remainder of the bag of Stacy's Pita chips, some popcorn, a couple pieces of lunch meat and a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich. I was up until midnight watching TV, which is really late for me. I never had a headache, or felt nauseated, just icky.

"I feel like a sack of wet rags is sitting on my stomach. Like if I just eat one piece of white bread, then I will feel much much better." This is what I told Chris this morning while he was putting his hair product in. But the whole wheat bread I had for breakfast with some yogurt didn't help. And the 1/2 of a Gingerbread (limited flavor) Clif bar at noon didn't help either. And the salad with edamame, beats and asparagus I finally got to eat at my 2:30 lunch- didn't help either. Blah. I think sleep may just be the cure. Which is odd, because a few drinks shouldn't do this to a person, nevertheless, I feel like I partied way into the night- which is not at all what I did. I got the train to 96th street and wandered home in the falling snow before 10:00PM.

And, I know I haven't mentioned it nearly enough, but the second wart I had cut/ burned/ dug out of my face over three weeks ago is still quite ugly and not nearly as healed as I feel it should be. And today, I had an angry zit appear on my jaw bone too, it's aching something terrible, but just won't give. I'm spent on all these physical ailments. Today, I started wondering, I will ever finish a Half Marathon. --- It's only two months away. But I know this is not me, this is not how I normally feel. Zapped!

In other, unrelated news, I found out my Haribo were NOT from Austria, but were however, ordered on this website. So now I don't have to save them for just the right time, but I can get more whenever I am so obliged. I got an email at 4:30AM from a friend who couldn't sleep and one this morning from a friend who's mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will have surgery tomorrow.
And, even though I know your not supposed to, I put my Nalgene water bottle in the dishwasher. I do from time to time. And it was smelling funky! But this time, I melted the lid- which also explains that horrid odor in the apartment this morning. I kept thinking something was on fire, but after checking the coffee maker a couple times, I assumed it was just me. Or something coming from another apartment on our floor. Melting Plastic- nothing quite like it. Maybe burning hair perhaps. (Did I tell you about the time I singed my arm hair while cooking on the stove top...?

It's been a day. And tonight- rehearsal. As much as I want to go home and crawl under the covers, possibly with my contacts still in (gasp!)- I will go to rehearsal. And I'll sing. And I'll worship, even with a heavy heart. God already knows. I'm glad I can go somewhere, no matter how I'm feeling, how I'm not feeling, and be accepted, loved on and receive a little bit of LIFE. It's only Wednesday.

(Sorry this reads like an email. Or a journal entry. Or a letter to my grandmother.)

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