Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wouldn't it be Loverly?

I have started the terrible habit speaking English like a Brit. I've started talking like people in my office....

Instead of: How was lunch at the seafood restaurant? or How did you like your lunch?

How did you find lunch at the seafood restaurant?

Instead of: Is there an employee there named Daniel? or The man attending is Patrick.

Is there an employee there called Daniel? or The man attending is called Patrick.

Instead of: How are things?
How's things?

Then there are the local New Yorkers to add an "r" to the end of all words ending in "aw."
We went to the movies and sawr Black Swan.

Then the Irish lads who "tink" they talk right. They are "tankful" they don't sound as bad as the Brits. Or Scottish. Or Australians. Or Austrians who like to "make" pictures instead of "take" pictures. "Everyone get together. Smile. I'm going to make your picture."

Then there's the Texan that they like to put on speaker phone. I hate knowing that I'm announceing calls to all ears within listening distance. All person's at the nearest eight cubiles and the guy who happens to be walking by headed to the men's room can hear me announce, "Hey Mark, I have Ken from Haaaaynes and Booooooone on the line for you."

I only realize how thick my accent must sound when I hear laughter and Mark says, "I'm sorry, Ken from where?" just so I'll say "Haaaaaaaaaynes and Boooooooone" just one more time.

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