And I want to go home.
I've been eating less and working out more (in mental preparation for the abundance of food that will be everywhere next week) and it's making me a complete grump.
I think.
Remember the cabbage I made a week ago? I'm still eating on it... I'm tired of cabbage. I need a burger with cheese and bacon and a side of ranch dressing to dip it in.
I'm trying to get all those last few things done before we leave for Texas on Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon when I leave work just a little early to make that 6:00 flight.
I need to:
Stop by and pick up a prescription
Figure out if I have enough contact solution and face wash and toothpaste to make it through a week away
Get the most recent choral music (for our Christmas concert) on my iPod for practicing while I'm gone
Decide on a lighthearted, fiction, book to take along with me
Oh, and pack!
Sometime after choir rehearsal tonight and after a youth leadership meeting tomorrow night, I need to finish packing. The weather in Texas is so different from what it is here this time of year, I'm excited about ballet flats and cropped jeans and short-sleeves for awhile. It's so much easier to pack for warmer climates. Even on our long Boston week-end-getaway all those sweaters and coats and scarves took up so much space.
It's not like I really need to worry all that much. I can run to Wal-Mart or Target or CVS for anything I need. I can shop in my mom's and sister's and best friend's closets for any clothes I might need to wear. But I'm still taking 4-5 pairs of shoes!
I'm looking forward to wide open spaces & quietness.
Just being in the same room with family is enough for me. There's just something that isn't eroded by time and distance. We're solid. There's a automatic comfort and gladness; it is what home really means I guess. It's something I don't get to feel all that often. I mean, my NYC family is my NYC family, but my own flesh and blood can't be replaced. We are silly and loud and have inside jokes and memories that immediately pour out of us.
I'm looking forward to doing whatever each day brings. And just going with it. I'm trying to approach this week as a week of true rest and renewal. I haven't been home since Thanksgiving last year, and I'm in need of some Texas air.
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