There are some sprouts and leafy greens that are kept flourishing in greenhouses and tomatoes that are grown hydroponically. The cheese guy and turkey guy and organic wine guy are all still there but they hold very little interest for me.
I managed to get off work December 30th, which gave me a four day weekend and it was absolutely lovely. Friday I spent in New Jersey. Saturday I spent alone until I got home around 5:00pm. Chris and I rang in the New Year in our traditional way: me passed out on the couch around 10:30pm (sans alcohol) and Chris stoking my hair and telling me to "go to bed."
Evidently, although I don't recall it whatsoever, I woke up at midnight to all the shouting and celebrating and hollering that was going on on the streets below. This combined with the fireworks booming in Central Park made me believe, even if briefly, that I was in a war zone. "I hate New Years Eve. It's scary." I don't remember saying this, but it's exactly how I felt.
Monday it was back to work for Chris so I had the entire day to myself. I complain alot of the time that I never get to be home alone, that Chris is always there. Given this opportunity however, I still spent most of my day out.
My morning workout was followed by a 12:30 massage at my favorite place- East Side Massage Therapy. I was truly relaxed and pampered by Melissa's warm hands and as always the hour was over too quickly. Afterward I had thought about visiting the health food store in my old neighborhood on 92nd or going to Barnes and Noble on 86th street, but I opted for some veggies at Agata and Valentina, stopped at Food for Health for a couple things and walked back home.
I didn't want to sit at Barnes and Noble, because I knew how crowded it would be- and loud. I wanted to sit at Java Girl.
I know that I should be able to sit at home. I could read in my sock feet curled up on my own couch. Teeccinno (my new favorite coffee replacement) would be free and it would be completely as I'd like it. I could play my own music. I could light my candles. I could just sit.
But this is still terribly hard for me which is odd since we have about 500 square feet of space. When I'm alone at home though, I always find myself dusting or rearranging the cupboards or washing the sheets.
So- to Java Girl I went. I found my window seat with the cushy throw pillows and read One Thousand Gifts and journaled. I heard bits of conversations and all the regulars wishing the staff a "Happy New Year." There is a bell on the wooden door at Java Girl and simply coffee on the list of offerings; it's self serve. There are a few scones and biscottis but that is about it. Just people sitting at tiny tables talking.
I really like it there- only four blocks from our apartment- and I'm never distracted by all the quiet that tears my interest away from books and writing when I'm sitting in apartment 3S.
And because haircuts and massages and yummy vegan foods are not enough, I got a $8.00 manicure on my walk home, my hands ready for another work week.
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