Monday, March 19, 2012

Farm Fresh

Chris started his days on the farm last Thursday. In two working days I feel like he has learned so much. I look forward to his phone calls each evening anticipating the activity of the day.

Thursday was spent planting numerous vegetables: basil, artichokes, rosemary, onions, shallots.... And most of Friday was spent spreading manure in the six greenhouses.

He's so far ahead of me already, I'll definitely need some pointers, tips and overall help. Being a perfectionist I'm feeling very remedial already and I don't like it! Chris is even going to attend two different courses in the next couple of weeks on days that the farmer has business of the farm to attend to. Classes? On garlic?! (((sigh)))

He texted me this picture of farm fresh eggs and "one was still warm." Eating eggs from chickens that peck and scratch and graze right outside our door is pretty dang awesome. I can only imagine what the summer will bring when produce is in peek season and we are harvesting and packaging and eating all sorts of veggies.

Living in the barn apartment/ root cellar has it's disadvantages ( it's extremely cold) and Chris is creating and building and rearranging to make our place more livable. He's excited about projects and I'm thrilled to still have two weeks in The City, as the barn might be better suited for a fancy lady like myself when I arrive. For instance, I'm thrilled about the shelves he's building in the bathroom for all my lotions and potions and creams.

I miss that man of mine. And I'm sort of bummed to miss out on the daily activities around the farm. But, it'll happen for me soon enough.

Though I wasn't driving through the beautiful back country roads, exploring new communities or shopping the Super Target this weekend, I did get out and enjoy some of my favorite places in New York.

Saturday was splendidly beautiful and I started my morning with a cup of Raspberry flavored coffee at Java Girl. I journaled. I sat. I contemplated how I could most avoid all the mayhem and drunkenness of Saint Patrick's Day. And overall it wasn't that bad.

After my 11:00am filling (boo!) I took the bus down to the East Village and just did what I like to do most: wander and look and eat and sit. I spent plenty of time in the Farmers Market. I bought some used books and a Finish Rye Roll for $1.00.

It was sunny. It was my idea of a nice Saturday afternoon. After getting home at 4:30 or so I planned on going out again for a walk along the East River, but I stayed in and did laundry. Two Saturdays left in NYC and I'm home doing laundry and watching Modern Family on Hulu.... Hey, it makes me happy!

1 comment:

  1. HOLD UP, when did you move to a farm? I need to get caught up here!
