Friday, February 21, 2014

Five Months Young

 (don't you just LOVE her eclectic style... Mmm...)

At five months old I think Camille's going through a little growth spurt. She gained a pound over the last two weeks (8oz each week!) instead of her normal 4oz gain each week. I know this because I weigh her each Sunday. I'm not obsessive about it, I don't weigh her daily or before/ after feedings... but I do have a spiral that I've tracked her weight in for the past 4 months.  Since she's always been small. Which strangers often comment on. "How old is she?" "She's sooooo little." - Rude people. Rude.  Seriously. A new mom doesn't want to hear it!! I know, she was in the 2% in her weight at her 4mo. visit. (But that huge noggin was in the 79%!!)

I'm so happy to be able to stay home and raise this child. It's not always easy- for me, mentally- for us as a family financially. We are on a tight budget... but for me, it's well worth it. 

This morning I was slow to put her amber necklace on her (I just forgot.) We take it off of her each night... BUT,  as she seemed grouchy, clingy and fussy (gnawing on her fingers constantly) I quickly figured out the problem. I put the necklace on her, dissolved some teething tablets in gripe water (because she won't take them dissolved in tap water...) and put her down for a nap! 

Today the sun is shining, but it did get down pretty cool last night (30's). So we will put off our walk until the afternoon, then surprise Aunt Chrissy at work with some lunch and homemade cookies. (We usually spend our Friday's at my sister Chrissy's house, but she had to work today.) 

I'm grateful that our families are close and can be a part of Camille's life and growing up. They love this girl. In a couple of weeks my sister LB will be home from pharmacy school and we are going to visit the Arboretum in Dallas. Their Spring flower exhibit is always breathtaking. And this year I'll be one of those (MANY) people propping their baby up and trying to snap some photos. In the tulips. In the lillys. In the green green grass with the little waterfall in the background.

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