Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Time for a Little Creativity...

Whew... The last month has flown by and Dorothy Camille will be 5 MONTHS OLD in two days!!

She is changing every day and it has been so fun to watch. Her current new behaviors include wanting everything that mom has in her hands, especially my blue Nalgene water bottle. She has honed in on buttons and tags on everything and wants to put them in her mouth, obviously. She has started screeching now, which is rather unbecoming.  She was "talking" and now she talks in a higher register... But, when she's letting us know that she is dissatisfied with a situation (she's alone in a room, left to play alone, sitting in her bouncy seat too long,  doesn't feel it's necessary to put on pajamas after a bath... she screeches. In my opinion, it's her threat to start crying if we don't take action soon. She wants her way!!

She's learned to drop things. Fun. She rolls and rolls and somehow can turn 360 degrees rolling and scooting. While we are managing car seat time in the car a little better, naps have become hellish. After that four day hotel stay (where mom was always in the same room or she was napping ON mom) it has been a chore to get her back in her crib. How quickly a little break in the routine can snowball out of control. Some days are great, others ghastly. Sunday she took TWO, two hour naps. Monday we fought. Tuesday was really great and today I just won the battle of napping. Only after 45 minutes and reassuring her and loving on her in crib thrice!! That girl likes to fuss. And refuses to give up. Her behavior in her crib when she's kicking and pushing and screaming remind me of a toddler... We have so many more days of this I know...

She's still tiny, 12 lb. this morning. We are still in size 1 diapers (8-14lbs) and 3-6 mo. clothes.
I do love this girl though. She giggles more, loves bath time, always has a smile for her Papa and sings along when mom and dad sing- especially at church.
Now about ME:

I continue to enjoy MOPS every other week and have joined a home Bible study on Tuesday mornings. It has been gorgeous here in East Texas and we've spend alot of time outside during the past week. Camille and I go walking with a neighbor or at the park. On day I sat her outside in her bouncy seat and I did some yard work. I'm ready for Spring!

Chris and I daydream about planting a garden.  We'd love to have something growing, even if just for ourselves. It's sort of late for the Spring season though, most farmers have things in the ground already. We did join a local CSA  and will start enjoying fresh veggies in early March. I've also found farms and co-ops and places to purchase organic meat which really excites me.

During our days on the farm I loved Farmers Market day. Chris, not so much. Heck, I enjoyed Farmers Market in NYC. It was one of my favorite things about the city- the Union Square Market... So, I've been brainstorming what I could sell at our local market. It starts May 3rd and I've been trying to come up with how I can make a little money. Personally, I think I'm pretty good at lots of things and not excellent at anything... So far on my list of what I could sell at Farmers Market:

Handmade Note cards (featuring my photography)
Handmade Baby clothes (my mom just gave me her sewing machine and I'm wanting to learn... but haven't yet... so, maybe not the best idea!!)
Loose Leaf Lettuce (this is our favorite idea, selling various mixed greens by the pound... But, it's Texas. And it's uber HOT in the summer. And we've not grown anything in this soil yet... But, I've always wanted to take advantage of this niche. I know it would be successful if we could just produce enough of the product.)
Homemade Granola and Muesli 
Homemade Raw Macaroon (4 flavors...)

I think that a consumable good would sell much better on a weekly basis/ overall.  What is someone going to buy once they've spend $10 on a set of note cards??

This is what I'm trying to think through/ work out currently. The best way to make a little money and get involved in the community. The market is moving to a new location in May and I think that it will be a real success. I also have to remember that it's an hour drive. And I have to leave home EARLY and I have an infant. And it'll be 100+ degrees some of those days.

That is why it has to be a GOOD freaking idea.

If you have one LET ME KNOW!
What would you like to buy at Farmer's Market? What's missing at yours? Do you buy baked goods when out on a Saturday morning buying eggs and cheese and tomatoes?


  1. Yes - I would absolutely buy baked goods at a farmers market. The reason is this: when I go to the farmer's market, it is usually because I am gathering produce for a "special" dinner -- most likely, one in which we will have company over. So, I would be thrilled to have "dessert" taken care of by picking that up at the same time. I'm not fussy about dessert -- a loaf of banana nut bread sliced up or a sweet looking plate of macarons served with coffee or tea is a perfect way to wind down the evening! I find that people love that, too - when you say, "Oh, I saw this and picked it up special just for tonight!" because it means you were thinking about them before the dinner event and you've been looking forward to sampling it. :0)
