I have been enjoying my Coconut Butter, as well, that I got for by birthday. I have used it to cook with a couple of times, but mostly I just eat it on popcorn, warm toast (well, when I was eating toast) or, my favorite, by the spoonful. Right now you'd find nothing too absurd in my kitchen. Being wheat, dairy and sugar free is not as hard as I thought it might be, and a couple days a week I do have some sugar (1/4th a cupcake here, a bite-sized peanut butter cup there.)
It's amazing that sugar is in so many things! I was wondering why my soy misto from Starbucks tasted so much better than the coffee I drink at home with soy milk. So, the second time I went in and ask for a coffee and the container of soy milk- I noticed evaporated cane juice on the list of ingredients. Boo! As long as I have rice or lentils or quinoa or oatmeal prepared and ready I am fine. Ooo, and I can eat corn chips too! Only they can't be flavored (milk in the ingredients) and I prefer organic or baked or something with only three or so ingredients.
I've been experimenting with more greens lately, instead of the regular old collard greens or mustard greens or kale. There's bok choy, rainbow chard, Russian Kale, and something I found the other day called komatsuna.
Russian kale doesn't even need to be cooked but just massaged. I clean it and cut the stems before throwing it in a big bowl with olive oil, salt, black pepper and powdered garlic. The last time I purchase it I also threw in the rest of an onion (left over from a previous meal.) After marinading overnight, this stuff is delicious.
I find it odd too, that the rainbow chard and red komatsuna turn the liquid in the pot bright shades of red or purple. These foods are so beautiful! Greens are a bit off-putting, I get that, because they look so much like grass or weeds or stuff that I'm sure if I just picked out of the flowerbed and ate would make you violently ill. Who discovered that you could eat dandelions for crying out loud? I've only tried them once, at my favorite Greek restaurant in Astoria and found them terribly bitter. I'm considering giving them another chance... I'll keep you posted.
I've been eating more nuts and seeds than ever before in my life, and nut butters too. I've avoided these for most of my life for believing the lie that eating fat would make me fat. But we need healthy fats, and in moderation, like most things, they are fine to eat. Say it with me, "Eating a handful of nuts a day does not make one fat!"
I'm happy that I've had some good avocados and tomatoes and melons lately, none of which were local, but I'm happy to see the seasons change. Asparagus is in abundance at the Farmers market, and before too long the harvest will be plentiful!
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