Saturday, June 12, 2010

Running, Sisters & Babies

GOOD MORNING! I find it so easy to get up with the Sun. And since the sun is up at 6:00AM, so am I, even though it's Saturday.

At 8:15AM I meet a friend at her apartment before we head to Central Park to run a women only 10k.
At 1:15PM my sister's plane lands at LGA.
At 6:00PM somewhere between 15-20 women will be showing up at our apartment for a baby shower.

It's sort of an action packed day! But I'd really have it no other way. This will be the longest race I've participated in since the 13.1 in April- from which I'm still recovering. That groin thing- it's not to be taken lightly. But, overall, I do notice improvement & less soreness.

With my sister moving to NYC for the summer I anticipate a great deal of excitement on her part and on mine. I am a little concerned too, after-all I am the Big Sister & I want to help her find a nice space of her own. Which is why tomorrow after church we are going to look at apartments. She's navigated the city on her own before- for a month- so I know she'll be fine, but you know, she's my lil' sis!

Since 1:00PM yesterday, when I got off work early for Summer Fridays, I have been cooking and cleaning like June Cleaver. I prepared a huge vat of bean salad, couscous, dips & chips & four dozen cupcakes which are taking up all our kitchen counter space and need to be iced, all the while telling Chris, "Sorry, you can't eat this." I think he had peanut-butter and saltines for dinner!

Today I'll finish up the Martha Stuart-on-crack food preparation and tidying-up by baking spinach balls, whipping up some banana pudding, arranging some Sweet William and spray roses and hanging a banner. Our refrigerator is stocked with sparkling wine and juices to make girly drinks. Hopefully, the weather will be nice and we can take the party up to the sun-deck.

I'm so thankful for legs that can run and carry me wherever I want them to take me. For a sister with an amazing testimony of God's faithfulness, provision, healing & providing a summer internship right here in NYC. I'm thankful for friends who I can live life with in community; who I can pray with, cry with, and celebrate with.

It's gonna be a crazy and wild day, a living life to the fullest sort of day. Thank You Jesus!

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