I contemplated on my previous wall post about your blog, because I know there is some reason when you don't write. Maybe it is because you have become pensive and don't feel like writing or you are just too busy. Anyway, I thought I might of hit a nerve, but I posted it in a "just kidding" attitude. I mean writing should be all about quality NOT quantity. I don't care if you write or not I just want to talk to you and really know how you are doing.
She's my sister and she knows if I'm not writing then either something is bothering me or I'm dead.
Honestly, when I returned from Texas- oh, over a week ago now, I planned on writing. Then I didn't. I need to contemplate stuff that I really don't want the entire world wide web reading- not the eight of you really- but anyone else who may stumble into this blog. (And by the way, this blog is by no means edited or thoroughly combed through. It is what it is- fast a furious and, sometimes, daily. So, sorry if it seems less than perfect or a little rough around the edges. If my writing appears to be anything but well thought out, know that it isn't.)
And because of that I'm silent. I'm silent in meditation and scripture & through Sunday I was focusing & living & breathing the words to the Praise & Worship set for our Spring Choir event.
There is alot going on in this thirty-year-old head of mine, and I have been keeping too much in- writing is free therapy (but I haven't really even been journaling) and a way to contemplate, focus & helpful in praying I find too. I haven't been writing because I just think in so many ways I don't want to go there. I just don't wanna deal. And I have been busy running around- although I'm usually busy.
We are short handed at work- and I'm hoping for someone wonderful to come and fill the receptionist seat beside me very soon. Baby Showers. Rooftop parties. Preparing for my sister's two month stay in NYC which begins this Saturday, Chris's birthday, things that I've volunteered for which I'm reconsidering now, and just living life in community. Oh- and balancing that whole alone time/ married couple time.
I'm wondering if I'm slowly becoming extroverted- or if I'm just enjoying being around people more. Or, if I've finally found a group of people that I love.
More later--- TODAY, I swear.
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