I think the highlights of her trip her might be:
1. Williamsburg, Brooklyn- flea markets, antique stores, consignment shops and resale stores ABOUND. Sadly enough, I had never been to Williamsburg, and really I'd only been to Brooklyn about ten times before this last week. However, in the last week alone we visited this borough three times! In Williamsburg we bought used clothing and visited tons of shops. We bought ankle bracelets (because that is what mother's and daughters do), ate some really good pizza at Fornino, watched hipsters and visited a tattoo parlor. In Williamsburg I saw: a record player sitting in the window sill of a bar- spinning methodically, huge antique shops that could rival many estate sales I've been to in East Texas, and well, lots of tattooed, pierced people under twenty-five.
2. Brookyn - It deserves two listings really. We walked the promenade in Brooklyn Heights and saw gorgeous brownstones on tree-lined streets and let the brick streets massage my feet under the squishy-ness of my flip-flops.
I enjoyed some of the best iced coffee I've ever had - or maybe it was simply because it was so sweltering hot and humid. When I asked the barista for an iced half-caf I got a blank stare. "We make each cup fresh," she tells me. "Oh," I say, "I guess I just need to commit." So, I chose to be decaffeinated.
Brooklyn's more quiet. It's more still. We walked the Brooklyn Bridge at 8:00pm and the breeze wisp our hair into our eyes. Brooklyn: it's worth the subway ride.
3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art- Museums aren't really my thing (or my moms) but we did enjoy moseying through and taking it all in. The space itself- the architecture and massiveness of the building- are so impressive. One could seriously spend an entire day going through each gallery and exhibit.
4. Dining Out- Growing up I didn't really eat out. Like ever. Maybe if we were with dad on a Saturday we'd stop at Dairy Queen for a steak finger basket and a dipped cone. And on our birthday's we got to take a friend (one, singular friend) out to eat with us- and I usually chose some place really wonderful like Golden Corral or some Chinese buffet. In East Texas, in the late 90's the food options were really sparse.
But, this week mom and I had amazing sea food at Pio Pio , Beyoglu, and The Lobster Place. We ate breads and chocolates and macaroons and yogurt. Delish!
5. Meeting all my friends. My mom was able to go to Praise Team rehearsal with me Wednesday night and hang out with us afterward- eating burgers and drinking wine. Sunday at church she met more of my New York City family, people that she's heard so much about.
I am thankful that my mom is my friend. That we get along and can laugh and share and just be together. I don't worry about her judging me or belittling me or being passive aggressive or condoning me. So many of my friends have strained relationships with their mothers- and I'm lucky that I get to be me around my mom.
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