Thursday, May 23, 2013

All Over the Place

While contemplating what in the world is newsworthy enough to share with anyone this week, I've decided to share a couple of excerpts from two books I'm currently reading, BUT FIRST:

Friday night I decided to delve into an experiment on duct tape and wart removal. I have a wart on my finger. First it was a blister that I didn't take care of properly from a hot oven. Then, a wart. After three trips to the dermatologist it's still there. And vicious. I really don't want my baby girl to see me with warts. So, following the advise and expertise of my sixteen-year-old brother, I'm trying to remove my wart with duct tape. Hot pink duct tape. After a friend at church commented on my big silver finger last night, she kindly directed me to the Dollar General where they "sell all sorts of colors and even zebra print duct tape." $3.50. Cheaper than my co-pay at a dermatologist (if I had insurance right now). That's me: pregnant and uninsured. Nightmare. God Bless!

The only other thing new in my world is left hip/ back pain. I hear it gets worse. And I'm doing chiropractor treatments when I can $. And I go walking before work, but the 70 degree low for the day (mixed with the humidity and pelting sun) is already really sort of warm. Or maybe it's just me. And there are all those stretches and yoga poses that are supposed to help....

I know we were under a tornado watch Tuesday night, but I decided it would be an ideal time to pain my toes one last time. I even announced to Chris that this would be the last time for the next four months that I paint my own toes. And lets be honest, since I'll be wearing flip-flops seven days a week, and crushing my toesies with an extra blah-blah pounds by July. I'll pay someone to do all that business for me.
From Birthing Normally by Michel Odent MD ( a borrowed book from my midwife)

"The majority of women seeking natural births in the United States today are already well aware of the emotional and spiritual aspects of such an experience. However, few give the physical experience of birth the attention it deserves. Without the body experience, birth becomes an unnatural or anesthetized experience. For this reason, integration of the physical into the psycho-emotional aspects of pregnancy and birth should be emphasized.

Being able to feel ourselves as sexual, as connected to our bodies and to feel ourselves as physical strength in the form of muscle and bone, creates in us a sense of trust in our bodies. One goal is to develop within the pregnant woman a sense of trust in her body and to deepen the trust she already has. She will then be able to believe in her body process as labor unfolds rather than be frightened or alienated from it."

From Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle. (Fast read. Funny. When I read books like this, I think, I could write a book. Then I wonder if I really want to write a book....)

"I think it's important for you to know that there was a time in my life when I seriously considered adopting any potential children I might have. Not out of any sense of compassionate obligation, but because I thought the best method of childbirth might be to completely skip the whole birth part of that equation and go straight to the precious little bundle wrapped up like a burrito.

There are women who want to experience natural childbirth, but those are probably the same women who run marathons. I am not one of those women. I believe in the miracles of modern medicine, and that includes epidurals. Which is why one of the first questions I asked my doctor upon finding out I was pregnant was "How soon can I get the meds?" When he encouraged me to write an official birth plan, mine was a single piece of paper with "EPIDURAL!!!!!!" scrawled in large letters with a sharpie pen.

Honestly I longed for the good old days my grandmother told me about when a woman would go into the hospital to have a and wake up two days later with memories of vague hallucinations and a child in her arms. But apparently that option is not longer available, thanks to the marvel of medical advances."
So, that's that.
I promise my next post will be a little bit more put together. Cohesive. Well prepared.


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