The weekend zipped by, but enjoyably so and provided temperate weather so I got plenty of outside time.
Friday night The Chambers served pot roast with potatoes and carrots. Well, Chris bought, prepared and cooked the roast and fixin's in addition to his near perfect gravy. I made the big salad and dessert & bought some freshly baked bread to serve with the meal. Even though Chris would have rather had big white slices of 99 cent Wonderbread- I was not bringing that sorry excuse for bread into our home. But I do understand the whole, "sliced white sandwich bread and gravy" thing. Sorry. I will not support such a lame excuse for nutrients. The roast was a success and provided leftovers throughout the weekend.
Saturday morning brought a Fresh Direct delivery, laundry and cleaning up from Friday night's dinner party. I managed to do forty minutes on the stationary bike at a higher intensity than I've attempted recently, so I felt pretty strong. (I am being such a bad rest-er. I know this. I know I have to take time off in order to heal. It's just so freaking hard!) In the afternoon Chris and I met friends at the Tartan Day Parade which was fun to listen to. I love the bagpipes or "Pipes and Drums" as it is called. Afterward, we walked home through Central Park, stopping to watch people and just be. It's nice to just sit in the park sometimes. To not be running or have an agenda in mind.
Sunday was more of the same- only church from 8-1- then more park time. After getting home and resting a bit, I tried to run along the East River, but pain pretty much ensued immediately, so I brought my jog down to a walk. This was uncomfortable as well, so I headed home with my head hanging low like Eeyore and thinking that I will never be able to run again. I am so dramatic! Walking home through the park that connects to the East River Promenade I stopped by the cherry blossom trees to see if they had started blooming yet. Last Sunday the trees were completely bare, but yesterday the tree lined path was booming with huge, glorious pink buds. We may not have azaleas, but the cherry blossom trees are quite comparable: fleeting signs of Spring, temporarily lovely things, that only bloom for a brief few days -it seems & can not survive the heat.
Today- this Monday- another day- another "get up, cram into a subway car, go to a desk job, have a lunch break that isn't nearly long enough, go back to work and watch the clock until 6:00 day" I've felt very dissatisfied. And I know I only have myself to blame. I've had ample time to write, to be creative, to do SOMETHING, but I've squandered away nine hours of my life.
On Sunday our pastor gave everyone in the congregation a plain white envelope with a single monetary bill inside and simple instructions: Do something creative/ for someone else/ for the kingdom with it. Some people got $1 bills, others $5 or $10, still others $50. I'm wanting to make my money grow- add to it- to do something outstanding. But then I think maybe I should just take someone to lunch, or buy snacks for the choir- but these are things I already do. I already sponsor Daniel Enrique in Honduras- so what can I DO that takes me out of my comfort zone, that may take a little effort and alot of time with my $1.00?
We have four weeks to spend the money and we are then instructed to write a paragraph on how we spent what we were given. I'm anxious to see all the creative ways people were able to make a difference in someones life. Today, however, I feel like I've wasted my talents.
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