Whether it be walking down First Avenue on my way to C-Town (the grocery store I go to for pantry items & frozen foods), standing in a crowded 4 train- my hand holding onto a pole just within grasp, with twelve other hands, or jogging along the East River Promenade watching Canadian geese overhead and the cars inching their way northward on the FDR- one liners come to me. And with a little nudge they roll, picking up speed along the way until WHAM. I have something. I have the beginning of something.
But sometimes I feel like I got nothing. Nothing to say that has never been said before. Like now
These picture are from The Sheep Meadow in Central Park, one of my favorite places in the park because 1- it's a "quiet zone" intended for resting (no pets, no games, --which usually means no kids!) and 2- it's wide open area with great views of the city. These pictures are not from this past weekend (as it was rainy and damp) but from the previous weekend. Easter weekend and the following weekend we so so lovely- Chris and I walked home from church & spent time meandering about.
This past Saturday, however I did a little of this and and a little of that in the rain. Normal stuff. Boring stuff. Stuff that people in other parts of the country do for entertainment: wandered through Barnes and Noble without buying anything, but caressing the cover of several books, visiting Victoria's Secret to use my coupon, buying a few things at the health food store, and getting a $10 manicure. These sorts of things.
Then, Kim and I headed to a friends apartment. This wonderful, selfless, generous friend had invited us to look through her stash of beauty products so that we could HAVE anything that she didn't want! This was seriously good stuff. All in all I walked away with, another tote, a face moisturizer, face serum, face cleanser, a seriously radiant blue eye color, Clinque face powder, two Merle Norman lip colors, a Sephora body lotion, black eye-liner, two nail colors, something called Big Fat Hair- which has given me ultra body, and some leave in conditioner for Chris's locks. And a few more things as well. I was free-loading my way around the city on Sunday. What a great friend though, and it saved me lots of money.
I can't believe April is almost over! The cherry blossom trees, wisteria, and azaleas are all in bloom but I know they'll be gone quickly. Not because of the extreme heat, but the winds and rains will ultimately win & the tulip's petals will all be beaten into the soil. Then it'll be hot around here. Spring is fierce this year. I am suffering from allergies and have been taking Benadryl for almost a week now. Mold, pollen, whatever it is- it's bad. I'm tired of tasting my own snot all day long and coughing up boogers that I try not to choke on.
Tonight I hope to get out the camera and go take pictures in the park by our apartment of the gorgeous cherry blossom trees. I also discovered a stunning brownstone on East End Blvd. (for sale..?!) with wisteria covering the dark brown brick on my way home from the park yesterday. Picture worthy? I think so! I'll go to the gym tonight, however, instead of suffering in the park and along the ultra-breezy East River. But boy, that sunshine is intoxicating, which is why I strolled aimlessly up Madison Avenue on my lunch hour today. Eat. Then find the avenue bathed in sunshine and stroll- this is my routine.
It's Spring- three baby showers, a wedding, one celebration party- for a friend who eloped, and perhaps another engagement on the horizon.... or possibly another e-mail that will read..."We Got Married!"
I love Spring. I love Love. I love getting out of my stale apartment (and not just to make a bee-line for the subway.) Baby, it's time to put away the down comforter and open the widows.
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