However, if there is an issue I need to dwell in, muddle over, ponder- this public forum is not the BEST outlet, and then I write, for myself, perhaps with a little more purpose than when writing here. I feel like, since I've gotten published, twice now, I've gotten a little lazy with my writing. Like, oh, I just don't want to revise or submit or hold myself accountable to getting anything done by a specific deadline. I'm just being non-creative these days which is not a good thing. I need to plant some seeds or paint a bookshelf or do something worthwhile with all these photos I've taken across the city.
Saturday I walked the Brooklyn Bridge with a dear friend and her roommate (who has also become a friend - funny how that works.) The weather was ideal for just being outside, so we soaked up the sun in our SPF-30 and walked to Brooklyn, through Brooklyn and all the way back home to her apartment in the East Village.
Saturday evening I went to a baby shower. I love giving gifts and being able to love on people and meet new ones. Plus, the shower was at someones apartment in NYC and I always enjoy seeing how other people live in the city. And I'm not the only one cramped for space. Her place was right on the edge of the Theatre District and we were all taken aback when we heard church bells. "What's that?" and I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering. She told us that every night at 7:30pm the Actors Chapel plays "There's No Business Like Show Business" prior to the 8:00 curtain for most all Broadway shows. It was such a New York moment, all of us 20-30 year-old gals sitting silently, the chit-chattering stopped and we just listening. Only in New York.
On our quest to be healthier Chris and I are trying to eat limited, if any processed foods. If we do buy "healthy junk food" as I call it- then it must have only a few ingredients, all of which we must be able to pronounce. (ie regular/plain/ unflavored Soy Crisps & Pop chips have three or four ingredients- where as Cheddar/ BBQ/ etc. have close to 30 ingredients) So, it's plain yogurt, lots of fruit, veggies, and eggs. I've been making legumes, oatmeal, brown rice and tabbouleh in huge vats because God forbid, "there are no carbs in this house." (Hey, he was the instigator in all this, promise. Someone turns 31 soon and is finally realizing that eating 1/2 a cheese pizza for dinner at 11:00pm is taking a toll on their health. I'm just saying. No judgement. Honestly, I avoid these discussions in my home, and only put in advise when I'm asked for it.) I have issues, I know this. BUT, this endeavor is one I can get behind. Plus, Chris is taking an active roll, actually doing some cooking- baking Brussels sprouts and cooking fish. So, on Sunday nights if I have to make enough brown rice, couscous and chopped veggies to last all week then that's what I have to do.
And in all honesty I did eat Hershey kisses and with peanut butter on them last night on the couch around 10:00pm. (I got the idea from my BFF!) At least it was organic peanut butter, right?
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