So this morning I'm getting ready, Chris is getting ready- hair products everywhere! (I'm kidding, but I gotta tell you- Chris's hair is super long... and super curly.) I find it funny in that, as a woman, I never buy my hair products from the salon, but head to Drug Emporium or Sally's (in Texas) or Ricky's or Essentials (in NYC).
Honestly, I just use whatever is on sale at CVS or Bed, Bath and Beyond. BUT Chris, he buys whatever products that his hairdresser recommends. I think all guys are like this- trusting that their young(ish) hot(ish) hairdresser knows best.
So, he does have more hair products than me... (but I digress)
Anyway, I'm getting ready for work this morning and I'm getting "the look"- the stare- the eyes that say, "I know what you look like without your clothes on." And that he does, sorry...
So, I ask. "Why are you looking at me like that?" To which he replies, "Like what?" And then I say, "Like I have something spilt all over my skirt or white top or something."
And in that suave, Chris Chambers, I'm-the-king-of-one-liners-sort-of-way he says, "You do. You have sexiness spilt all over you." Ahhhhhhh! My prince charming.
I love loving this man. But can I be honest, being married is not easy. In fact, I will go all out here and say that being married is
harder than being single. It is work-- just like any other relationship. I'm recently discovering just because we live in the same house does not mean we will actually see each other or get to spend time together in a given day. Unless... we make plans.
All this to say, I'm looking forward to our 20's Women's
Love & Respect study this summer. Odd thing is I received this book as a wedding gift in this huge
Focus on the Family box of goodies for newlyweds when I got married in 2006. Of course, I didn't read it. But, I will say, the audio CD's were great and we'd listen to them when we'd drive to Dallas or somewhere further away than the grocery store down the street. Back when we drove.
The first chapter of the book begins, "You may remember the Beatles song,
All You Need is Love. I absolutely disagree with that conclusion. Five out of ten marriages today are ending in divorce because love alone is not enough."
And of course, me being the newlywed, thought, "HA. Whatever, we have something deep. We are soulmates. We
get it. And, quite frankly, love is enough, for us. Probably not for everyone else, but for us it is."I was wrong!
And while I'm here this summer, Chris has bought a surfboard to strap to the top of his 1989 Volvo Station wagon so he can experience the East Coast. I will be working, being in community, and getting out of Manhattan when I can. Some people think it's quite curious, how we are both so madly in love, yet both very confident & do well as individuals. We love our alone time-- but, planning together time is, dare I say, more difficult than somehow squeezing in that alone time we both so desire. We are seeking that balance.
For his birthday last weekend I bought him socks. Gray socks. Gray socks that fit a size 14/15 shoe. Do you know how hard it is to find socks for big feet? AND, white will not do, but gray... Happy Birthday, I got you gray socks! (Something like 20 pair...) This will help for those days on the road when he won't be bathing or washing clothes. "Look, I got you socks for your roadtrip..."
happy married life