I like grilled squash and sauteed. My mom even fried squash in cornmeal and put it in vegetable lasagna when I was a kid. Yummmy. What I'd give now for a free bag-o-squash.
Instead, I get to watch squash, but I much prefer eating it. So, this weekend at Grand Central Station, is evidently this big deal Squash Tournament. From what I read the winner walks away with $97,500. Where I work most of the employees are male, 25-30 and very European. British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Austrian... etc. (You get the idea. And I know now you feel really sorry for me having to listen to the sweet music of foreign accents all day long. Spoken by 20-30 year-old chaps. See why I love my job? I mean yes, there are people of all ages and nationalities here, but our company is based out of London, so naturally we have alot of Brits.) So, they talk about "real" football, squash, lacrosse. I know nothing about this stuff. Until today, I thought squash was a team sport. Where I'm from we call this racquetball. (I do realize there are some differences, but technically...)
So, I like my office, my job the people. I get called Tex. Today one of the guys did a quick Google Map search of Athens, Texas. When he saw where I'm from, even though the closest he could get is Hwy. 175, he says, "It's like you live way out in a field or something." Yes, yes I did live way out in a field. Or something. Exactly. Then, upon further investigating Eustace, where there are three churches in the center of town and that's about it, he announces, "Hey, I like this place."
When I was asked if everyone has a gun rack mounted in their truck, I turned and walked away. Yes, as a matter of fact they do. And they all have horses, wear camouflage while riding their four-wheelers and own ostrich boots. Not really, but we do have a smoker so large that it has a hitch on the back and can be pulled by a truck. We fish in our own tank, have a deer stand in the backyard (pasture) and have to drive to the county line for alcohol- where they do not sell liqueur on Sunday's however.
So squash is not on my agenda this weekend, but getting our new couch (hopefully) is. This is the third delivery data that this inexpensive furniture place has given us, but you get what you pay for I guess. And we will be the first to admit, we don't expect this thing to last forever. And we don't expect to haul it wherever we find ourselves living next either.
SHOCKING FACT: I havn't even seen this couch. Yes, it's paid for and will be in my home tomorrow. Chris picked it out. See, the thing is, I know we wouldn't agree on a couch. I want something that looks nice and he wants something that's comfortable. I'm thinking: something L-shaped, something with an ottoman, something with maximum seating for minimal money. Chris is thinking: recliner. Leather recliner. Reclining sofa with heated seats, a beverage holder and a place for the remote(s). And in all honesty, for the lack of time I will spend on this couch, I really don't care. So, I let him loose. I'm kind of nervous imagining something that reclines on both ends with fabric the color and texture of soggy Cocoa Puffs. What have I done?
I will post pictures when we get this thing, since you are now as curious as I am. Tomorrow is a womens brunch at church and our pastor and associate pastor's wives are speaking. These are two women I admire and have heard about (all great things) but have spent very little time with. I'm excited to hear them speak, especially to a group of women. There will be more running this weekend too, and squeezing in moments with friends here and there.
The Chambers lives are pretty busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
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