Here's the deal. Physically, it's not the hardest thing. It's hard. It's strenuous. It's good for the body, but mentally I despise this class. I look around and I'm like, these people are not better than me, they are not in better shape than me, but perhaps- the truth is now setting in- that mentally they may have it together. The whole meditation thing.
The heat is one thing. Yeah, I mean it's hot. But I feel like I'm going to vomit from the moment I open that glass door to the "room" until I roll myself from up off the floor and hit the showers. But I know I'm not, I just feel like I am. I can not multi-task in Bikram yoga. I can not listen to music or make a grocery list in my head or add up the calories that were in my lunch or think about anything, at all! The last class I went to the lady in front of me was about 65 years old and looked like my Memaw, with bright orange hair and purple fingernail polish. And then there was the other 65 year-old lady --- in a sweat suit. The kind power lifters wear before they weigh in to make sure they get in the right weight class. She was also doing a double. (Taking two classes back to back.) I'm sorry, did I miss something? Are we just trying to kill ourselves here? I mean, I'd rather train for a half marathon than do this. So, that, my friends, is what I am doing.
I just can't handle it anymore. So, Bikram wins. But I'd still like to try regular old yoga sometime. And yes, I am training to run 13.1 miles on April 3rd. Thus, begins a short synopsis of the weekend at the Chambers home:
1. Saturday morning Chris and I headed to Central Park where we ran 4 miles. Chris has agreed to run a half marathon to raise money for Rwanda. I, on the other hand, am still a bit terrified at the idea. But I think I've been roped in. I am happy to say that the two ladies I was running with and I were able to RUN the 4 miles- granted at the pace of 11 minute miles- without walking. Each Saturday the "team" meets to run together/ fellowship/ talk about how crazy we are for doing this, etc. When we left I didn't know if Chris would ever return to a training run. Or lace up a sneaker ever again. He went hard. 0-100 without preparing his body for what it was in for. However after time, stretching, eating some boiled eggs, crackers and lunch meat, I'm pretty sure he'll be okay.
2. We used our crockpot twice over this three-day weekend and made pork chops (well, not really pork chops, but pork tenderloin that had been cut into 1" steaks) and a pot roast. Chris is a huge fan of the crock pot. When we moved here from Texas, almost three years ago, we sold ours in the garage sale. However, about a month ago Chris bought another one at Bed Bath and Beyond. I had to keep him from getting the largest one they sold, but the one we ended up with with pretty mammoth. My chops and his pot roast turned out pretty well. (He did the roast himself - which he loves doing- and it made our house smell just like my childhood Sunday afternoons.) In his pot we threw three baking potatoes, a yellow onion, about six carrots - they have to be real carrots, not baby carrots- just a thing I have, and a big roast which cooked for twelve hours. Chris also made his brown gravy which our dear friend Chef Christoph taught him to make. He prides himself in making the perfect gravy. We have leftovers which thrills me. - And I roasted up some Brussels sprouts and yellow crooked neck squash- Yummy! This is the best way to get Chris to eat his vegetables, not that he's all that picky at all. He just prefers the roasted taste over the steamed.
3. We finally got our closets in order, after moving one month ago. We had to "swap" sides. It's a long story that has more to do about the integrity (or lack there of) among NYC builders and how awkward our closet is. Let's just say, sleeping habits, lack of sunlight at 6:00AM, who has the most shoes and who has the most dry cleaning were all factors in this "swap." And it took place while I was downstairs, at the gym... Mmmmmmm, I wonder who made out better on this deal? It's okay, It's okay.
4. Monday we took a stroll around our neighborhood and purchased a few random things: Nutritional Yeast, super glue, and Chris' high-maintenance hair products. You may wonder how we came upon such a odd list of items, and I'll tell you. The one item we were planning to buy was Chris's $12.00 hair creme which reads, "gives your hair that lived in look" on the back.
Second, I wanted to stop by the health food store (a weakness for me) and get some Brewers Yeast. I know you are probably scared at this point, but this stuff is fabulous for you and I love it in my 100 calorie bags of popcorn. It's nutty, its salty, is about 40 calories and full of vitamins and protein and stuff that you can't get in Luna Bars. (However the NEW Luna protein bars have more protein than regular Luna & still 170-180 calories. Have a ever mentioned how much I love peppermint Luna bars? They are truly remarkable. And yes, if you are wondering, I do stock up on the pumpkin flavor Clif bars when they are here around Christmas.) So, at the health food store, we got some nutritional yeast, some walnuts, some soy nuts and some unsweetened chocolate almond milk.
We got the super glue at this hardware store that I've always wanted to go into. Chris was looking for a miter saw (sigh, boys...) and I was just looking. The store has all kinds of cleaning supplies, tools, gardening stuff, blenders, mixers and oh yeah, hardware stuff. We purchased super glue to glue the bumpers back a special cutting board that a friend made for me.
Church, cooking, movies, time outdoors- it was a wonderfully long weekend with my husband.
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