Since then I have seen books on the subject: simply lists of things to be happy about. From time to time I write these lists in my journal, sometimes even limiting myself to what I am happy about today. It's a good practice. I mean, yeah, it's easy to look at life and find some things to be happy about- even enough to fill a page or two. BUT, to be able to look at the last 24 hours, the situation at hand and reflect on what, if anything, there is to be happy about. Sometimes it's easier than others.
That is where I start today. What I am happy about today:
2- Sharpies- all colors- fine tip
3- Crock pots
4- Saving your pennies (I cashed out two little cups of pennies at the bank today and got $19.32!!)
5- Origins Peace of Mind
6- Courtney hugs
7- Flavored lip gloss
8-New running shoes
9- Good Morning kisses from hubby
10- Trader Joe's Earl Grey Tea
11- New play lists on my iPhone
12- Sandalwood Candles
13- My first Running for Rwanda donation
14- 16 Handles coupon ($16 worth of fro-yo for $8)!!
15- Little Women -(it's been too long, I need to watch it soon)
16- Pretzels and Cottage Cheese - more specifically Pretzel Crisps and Whipped Cottage Cheese.
17- Getting $paid$ for getting a piece published
18- Making pancakes (honestly, I'm not a pancake fan, I never have been, BUT I love flipping them in the skillet
19- Widows and sunshine and not needing to turn on the lights during the daytime
20- Lavender scented cleaning products
21- Plan-free Saturdays
22- A painted bracelet from Vienna
23- Good & Plenty licorice candies
24- Standing up for what's right (with love and sincerity)
25- Receiving a letter from across the country from someone I love dearly and wish I knew better. (Perhaps California for the Chambers next move?)
Happy Friday. XO
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