And as bad as I thought it would be, it has not been. Chris called AT&T (the worst cell phone service providers in NYC) and canceled my media-whatever-whatever plan and signed me up for unlimited texts and I was set. Honestly, I thought I'd go insane initially. I thought I'd get a new phone within days, and that was over a month ago now.
Yes, texting sucks. SUCKS! Yes, I get have to print out directions before I leave home instead of relying on Google Maps and Yes, it took me about a week to figure out who was texting/ calling me. I think I sent out about 15 texts to 15 different people that read, "Who is this? Sorry, my iPhone died and I don't have any numbers saved in this phone." This phone was pre-NYC life. This phone... well, it gets laughed at. But, all in all, it's not so bad. I like not being tied to my email and FaceSpace 24/7. And I have actually seen many people rocking the Motorola Razor! Until our contract is up with AT&T... (um, this month actually) and until my husband decides what we are going to do (because, again, honestly I don't care) then I will continue to use my flip-phone. My metallic pink flip phone that does not take pictures, receive emails, play music, serve as reading material for the subway, substitute as a translator, metronome or tuner, offer games with little penguins or alcoholic beverages or pinball machines. No- this phone is a phone and I think it works just fine.
Did I tell you I forgot to brush my teeth on Saturday because I rushed from jogging in Central Park to Yoga to a massage? It was my attempt to relax. Run 6 miles, stretch it out in yoga and bring it all the way down with a one-hour massage. But, what happened was that after running I headed home for a quick shower, then to yoga. It was after yoga, when I had an hour to kill; sit, have a snack and some coffee at a sidewalk cafe, that I realized this. It's because on a "normal" work day I don't brush my teeth until I get home from working out. The reason being so I can brush my teeth following my last cup of coffee. Saturday, however, I just popped some Spearmint gum and thought, "Oh, well." Not much talking during a massage anyway- and although my personal hygiene is always of concern prior to a full body massage, I really didn't care that my breath may be a little offensive. Following the massage I headed home, laid in the sun and read. - My perfect Saturday.
And did I tell you I went to Target for the first time in ages? I marveled at the wide aisles and inexpensive prices. $2.99 underwear (cute underwear!) and Organic coffee for $5.99/ lb. I only left after spending over $100. My bags were full with new hand towels for the bathroom, shampoo and conditioner and some pantry-type snackage. It was fun, but somewhere I probably will not go all too often. Sadly enough. Bed Bath and Beyond is comparable and quite frankly it seems like I usually find things I don't really need when I go to Target. (But I was looking at those cute, inexpensive swimsuits... I may go back...)
Did I mention my midwife apt. yesterday? (I have a midwife- not a gynecologist, but she's a midwife who practices gynecology, so no, I'm not pregnant.) We are working to restore my estrogen levels and I'll be having lots of fun blood work and invasive testing done- which I'm really not looking forward to at all. And just when Mr. Chambers thought too much estrogen was my problem....
I like options- probably too much. I love condiments and variety and various flavors, colors, textures. I like melting and reshaping and making up words to songs without. I'm trying to remember that to be Renewed I must first Trust and to live life I've got to lose the lists. (For now.)
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