He will die for us. He will lay it all down to pay for it all. Everything before & everything after.
No more bloody alters or animal sacrifices.
He died.
And he rose again.
Ash Wednesday is about stopping to remember and preparing ourselves, even now, for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and the Celebration of Easter. For me letting go, fasting, "giving up" something for Lent is all about putting my focus outward, instead of being self absorbed. It seems to unify, as being a part of a group, a larger piece of the Christian faith can do-the Universal Church, regardless of denomination. Our faith is in Jesus Christ. Period.
This is our Forty Day journey. This is when I can sacrifice, lay aside something- for the purpose of growing a little closer to my creator. When we take off this outer layer, take off the church mask, lay aside the "I'm alright" and "God is good" and "we'll get there someday" and realize that we are here- that is where God will meet us.
A friend of mine shared this website in order to pray through the Season of Lent. In today's "Daily Reflection" I found this really great bit and wanted to share. (Although I promise not to make a habit of if!)
Also, new to my world was the fact that many churches burn the palm fronds from the previous years Palm Sunday/ Passion Sunday to get the ashes. The ashes worn as a sign of faith and a testament to the need for mercy & grace are from the very palms that were waved as we shout, "Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest."
Befuddled is where we live. Once Christians set out on pilgrimages and made regular retreats. In Lent, the desert comes searching for us. Beyond the din arises the emptiness. It takes a certain kind of time to listen. In Lent we are called into the presence behind the words to realize how we are not alone.
Living breaks us down into pieces. We come back together again in different ways. Sometimes it is in the square where people cry out for justice and the cry is heard around the world. Sometimes it is the desert where the words of love are heard again. Jeanne Schuler
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