I had made plans to spend the night (actually sleep over) at Kim's apartment because Chris had intended on having a group of high school boys from church over to hang-out all night at our place. The original plan was for the boys to hang-out, do whatever boys do, and spend the night at our apartment. However, they decided just to meet up around 7:00pm and go play paint ball, so I no longer need to spend the night at Kim's. However, we girls decided to go ahead and get together. My friend, guide, encourager, mother figure & the best speaker-of-truth-in-love I know, Sheppe, was in town from Boston- and I love spending time with her too.
So, after getting off work at 5:45pm Friday (okay, so I sneaked out early...) I got home just as Chris was heading out to war. I changed into my yoga gear - spandex pants and a t-shirt from Old Navy that I had cut the arms off of and 3" off the bottom- and stuck in Chris's P90X yoga video. I call it Chris' P90X because I am not one who can successfully do workout videos at home, whatsoever. He's the one who's spent more time with it than I have and took the initiative to do the videos at all. I just can't workout at home. I think it has something to do with the fact that when I'm laying on my back doing bicycles or stretching my hamstrings I see dust bunnies underneath the kitchen table I just want to take care of them immediately. Not to mention most NYC apartments don't have too much room for walking between the furniture, or for the bathroom door to swing open, much less doing sun salutations.
Nonetheless, I scooted the couches and table and made space and did yoga for about 45 minutes. Then I decided at 7:15, I really should get ready to head to Kim's in order to make it by 7:30. She lives three blocks and one avenue away and Chris and I cat sit for her quite often. SO- in Peep style I opted head to Kim's in my yoga wear, leaving my hair in a ponytail and throwing on a fleece. Ready for a night of nail painting and movie watching. Also in Peep style, I left my purse at home and threw the necessities in a tote bag. (Although real peeps prefer fanny packs! They will not be swayed. Not even with a satchel style purse, or messenger tote.)
This is the thing with the Peeps: we are comfortable with one anther. We are just friends who like to hang out, talk, laugh, eat, watch movies, sing and paint our nails. We don't have to "go" anywhere special or be "doing" anything notable. Some of our most outlandish, exciting, memorable moments in the city have been in Target or church or taxi cabs or Bed Bath and Beyond or in one-another's apartments. We are family. And there's freedom found in being open and honest and silly and asking to borrow something that someone else might say, "Why don't you just go buy your own." A peep will let you borrow a book, a movie, nail color, sheet music, a magazine, jewelry, or hair curlers.
When I got to Kim's she met me downstairs. Her buzzer has been broken for quite some time so I had to text her to let me in. We hugged, chatted and headed up to her 3rd floor apartment where when she opened the door, "Surprise!"
Happy Early Birthday was sung to me in three part harmony as I saw faces that I didn't expect to see. Carey played the maracas and someone placed a huge sombrero on my head. It was so nice and unexpected. The girls had decorated in in Mexican fiesta theme, and the best part: everyone was wearing these little stick on mustaches! It was quite hilarious. Everyone looking all Speedy Gonzales/ Charlie Chaplin. Later we enjoyed making the mustaches into sideburns, unibrows and put them on the cats. Some things you never outgrow.
It was so nice to be authentically surprised. To have someone put bright confetti out in your honor. To have someone make peanut butter bars for you. To have six friends take an evening to spend time together just to laugh and eat and spend time.
Because I'm not eating processed food, I had to pass on the taquitos and cheese dips and sugary things. I was only able to eat some raw veggies dipped in guacamole, but I was content none the less. More than content, I was extremely overjoyed and thankful.
I left feeling so so blessed and truly loved. Especially since I looked super party-ready in my lounge-wear and cut up t-shirt... I also left with Jade is the New Black on my nails and two tiny daisy stickers on my right pinky. And my assistant beauty editor friend brought fake eyelashes for everyone as party favors and a huge PINK box overflowing with amazing goodies for me: Green Mountain coffee, a bottle of Philosophy perfume, Dallas blush by benefit, a Too Faced eye/ cheek/ lip compact & Estee Lauder eye shadow goodies! I was overwhelmed!
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