What a rebound from the drama's of the weeks past. But in all sincerity, I think we all go through really crappy seasons- weeks where it seems like the only solution to maintaining any sort of desirable and otherwise joyful existence would be to either a.) move far far away or b.) (in Chris's case) retreat & prepare for all out life change.
In his lowest of lows he declares to me-
"You're going to leave me, because after all who would want to be with an unemployed man in NYC. Then I'll sell everything, break our lease, and live out of a van where I'll play guitar for people along the beaches and shorelines across the country." I picture him driving and old church van barefoot, with some gray haired mutt hanging it's head out the passengers side window.
Quite frankly, I like it when Chris has a five minute meltdown- even if they are only once a year. I had started to feel a little mental with my monthly explosions. But I know he doesn't talk about work to protect me. And I know he doesn't want to burden me with all that is weighing him down (even when I have no problem whatsoever telling him every detail of every problem I encounter every day...women!)
Speaking of living in a van, he's decided what his summer adventure will be, after purchasing a 1989 Volvo Station wagon yesterday. So, let the planning begin! He's thinking East Coast- Maine, Jersey Shore, and possibly as far south as Myrtle Beach, North Carolina. My husband is SUCH the wanderer and forever exploring. I've tried to encourage him to stay "in one place." Perhaps a friends home in San Francisco, or an cheep room in Vermont or Maine or anywhere, but for him the joy is in the journey.
He likes not knowing where he'll be from day to day. Not knowing what he'll see or what he'll experience. Truly living hour to hour. Me- not so much. It stresses me out just thinking about "not knowing" where I'm going or what I may encounter along the way. Plus, the drive from my hometown of Athens, Texas to Houston was about as much as I could handle. I still don't get the whole "road trip" mentality. Let's just get there already!
I prefer total immersion in a city/ culture/ destination, which is why I had to actually LIVE in New York City. I'm still trying to figure this place out. I like to vacation among the locals and get away from the tourists traps and "normal" hot spots of a city. Chris and I are very much alike in this, but I just don't see the appeal in being in a car for 5-6 hours every day, driving and looking and driving and looking. I want to get out, buy some stuff, walk in the grass, sit, write, eat some local produce or something.
The month before we moved to NYC we basically did just this: traveled through Yellowstone, up to Wyoming & Montana- staying in KOA's (which I had previously never heard of) and living out of our Nissan Altima, with our best friends the Stockhammers. While this was fun and I'd do it (with them !) again in a heartbeat, I was ready to be home. I don't like all the sitting involved. And all the meals in the car. And all the times that I wanted to stop and take a picture and was responded to with, "Drive by!" being yelled at me from two males in the front seats. Meaning, "Roll down your window and get ready to snap a photo because we are not stopping and you'll be lucky if I slow this car down to 40mph!!"
Chris loves the open road. I do not.
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