Seriously, what is the deal. Chris says to me just last night, "You need to blog." To which I responded, "I don't have anything to say." What I meant was, "I don't have anything that a. I feel like posting on the Internet, b. is uplifting and joyful and funny to say, or c. I can wrap up in 500-1,000 words, put a pretty bow on and feel satisfied leaving for all eternity here, for all to see."
So- I'll just start:
Tuesday was The Chambers fourth anniversary. It feels like four years, honestly, it feels like fourteen years, but that is because we have dated/ been in love (although on-again off-again) for half our lives already. That is insane. Most of our married lives we've lived in NYC- which is also sort of off, being that we are really two of the most Earthy, hippie, dirt loving people I know. It's hard to think about my life before this man, I mean, most of my memories include him- which is sort of nice.
I celebrated by not going to yoga Tuesday night at 7:30pm. We tossed around the idea of going out to dinner; somewhere near our place, somewhere different and quaint and not too far from home. But, by Tuesday morning when we exchanged handmade notecards (yes, we are talking arts and crafts projects here) we had pretty much talked ourselves out of going out to dinner and decided to stay home and cook.
We all know that Stefani is a foodie through and through, but Chris is really getting experimental in the kitchen. Just this past Sunday afternoon I stopped at the Farmers Market on our street to get some apples. Obviously I was allured & intrigued by eggplant, acorn squash, butternut squash and an ornamental pumpkin as well. Walking back toward my building with an armful of harvest, I saw my husband. Buying a lobster. ((Sigh...))
Really. Motorcycle- I get it. Leaving our wedding on a motorcycle- done. Cross country on a motorcycle- yes. Learning to surf- worthwhile endeavour. Living in the back of a Volvo for a summer- why not. Just seeing how long ones hair can get, curls and all- okay, sure. Randomly cooking a lobster for lunch on a Sunday afternoon- just another adventure, right?
So, while I waited on my butternut squash to cook in the oven, Chris steamed a live Maine lobster in a big pot on the stove. Adding this to the mussels, escargot, and scallops he's made this summer alone, I'd say he's come a long way!
So, for our anniversary dinner I made a cornucopia of Fall Veggies in the Crockpot which sort of intimidated Chris and was not as pretty as I'd have liked it to have been, although it tasted wonderfully. I heated some sausage for Chris to eat with it & served it with whole wheat pasta, trying to mask the warm, fallish, nutty flavor a little bit. (I get that it can be too much veggie taste!)
And for dessert: NY State apples topped with a wonderful oatmeal, crunchy/ biscuit-y, bread pudding like crust that Chris created himself. Bake at 350 for about twenty minutes and thrown under the broiler for five more, it was delicious. It's amazing what one can create doing a little pantry inventory: flour, eggs, butter, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, oatmeal, nutmeg, honey- a little of some or all of these. It's amazing what one can create working with what they already have.
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