Other than these noises, you can literally hear no one or nothing from the apartments around us. Really- thank God for steel frame, 2007 buildings, because when we lived in our pre-war walk-up in Astoria- Yikes! I could tell you what time each night (oh, like 4:00am) our upstairs neighbor came home- wearing heels. I could tell you what the guy next door talked about on his phone conversations. I could hear the parties next door, and the girl who often smoked on her fire escape while talking on her cell phone. Nightmare.
BUT- since moving on up, we hear nothing. Not even the poor colicky baby (who is a year old now) who would scream at all hours down the hall from us. I only heard him when I was standing in the hallway waiting for the elevator and I felt so bad for his mother.
So, in addition to the occasional bark of a dog, or a cough from time to time, in the mornings I can hear singing. There are two male vocalists (not a duet, not singing together, just two people I may or may not hear on any given day)- one sounding more like the music I hear in my yoga class & one singing songs from the Top One Hundred list played on the radio. In all honesty I can not make out the words or the language for that matter, but it's really hilarious. And I have no idea if they are in the apartments above us, beside us or both. If they only knew I could hear them while they are singing all alone in the shower. The one place where you'd think you are truly all alone. But not in this city.
...In other Friday tid-bits- today I wore my new shoes. Yes, both arrived safe and sound from Overstock.com earlier this week and both fit marvelously! I love fall fashion. Even though I had (perhaps "had" is a strong word) to walk .8 miles uphill in 3" platform booties wearing a pencil skirt that really shortened my gait to the subway this morning- it was worth it. And I'm wearing tights for the first time this season today- 42 degree temps will make you do that!
I spent my lunch hour at Union Square Market - tasting different varieties of squashes, sampling white beets and buying apples. I considered getting some hot pear cider, but decided just to dive right into my bag and have a Honeycrisp apple instead. Yes, I am that person that buys $8 worth of unique, heirloom apples and shares them with co-workers. Oh, well. Better than Friday afternoon snickers bars.
Into the weekend. On the agenda: yoga, brunch with gal pals, massages (for Chris and me), cooking, possibly more yoga & singing on the Praise Team Sunday morning at church-- (ie: 8:00am- 1:00pm Sunday- that is where I'll be, and it is what fills me up!)
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