Thursday, October 14, 2010


I've got to say, I'm really happy with the Fall that we've been experiencing in the Northeast. It's been sunny and "fresh" as my friend said during her visit last week. I considered wearing open toed shoes today, even though it was in the 50's in New York this morning. I see alot of toes walking along the sidewalks, but I just couldn't do it myself. I dawned my camel colored loafers (complete with hosiery socks) and my khaki belted trench coat.

I guess I'm ready & waiting expectantly to bundle up, wear long sleeved sweaters and those freaking new knee boots!! But as my co-worker told me today, "it's not winter yet." I should enjoy these days, instead of anxiously awaiting the the first day I HAVE to wear my peacoat.

Today is my parents anniversary. And last night I dreamed that I lost my engagement ring. What does this mean? In my dream, I was not as upset as I thought I should be, and somehow felt that it might be found, or just show up. I was also mad that Chris just kept repeating, "This is why we have insurance." No amount of money could replace the sentimentality of my dear ring, and I was upset with Chris for not being upset. Poor guy, he was just trying bring some equilibrium, to speak peace into an otherwise emotional wife. And after all, "this is why we have insurance." But then again, I wasn't as distraught as I think I'd be in real life if such a situation occurred- God forbid.

I'm learning in marriage that there is no substitute for time spent together. Even though I'd like to wander through The Mall in Central Park and Chris would like to sit side by side watching How I Met Your Mother, spending time together is something we crave. And, we negotiate- do a little of this and a little of that, when time permits. I don't see how families do it- with more than just the two of them- kids and all that!! I mean between both of us working full time jobs, yoga, P90X (Chris's new endeavour in becoming healthy/ fit/ and -the real reason-Totally HOT!), church on Sundays, Bible study small group, chiropractor visits, trips to the grocery store and all that other stuff that comes up during the week (parties, dinners, returning expensive shoes, dentist appointments, having keys made....) It's crazy.

A friend introduced me to the idea of Three's. Three things in one day- that is it. That is all a person can handle. So far, it has totally worked for me and I've found it to be completely true.
Thursday Three: work, yoga & CVS
Friday Three: work, lunch with a friend & worship executive team meeting
Saturday Three: Yoga (or possibly a run), Chelsea Market, & The Leather Spa
Sunday Three: church, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality study & .... (I have yet to commit in writing to a third, but I am considering a couple options.)

I've asked Chris to join me in going to look for new kitchen stuff at Chelsea Market in a "Can we do this together?" sort of way. We need a new spatula and would like a nice chopping knife & our wooden spoon broke in half last night as Chris stirred in ground Veal. The more time he spends in the kitchen the more gadgets he wants. Well, that sounds wrong, what I mean is you realize how important it is to have good quality cookware/ utensils when you are actually cooking. And I'd really like to get all my winter shoes "winterized" this weekend, polished and water proofed & re-soled if need be.

So, three things a day. That is it. Now, as long as nothing else happens.... we are good.

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