And that is what happened. All phones are pretty fancy these days. And since we finally left AT&T and were offered the infamous "FREE" phone with a two-year contract deal, then the new phones (Oh yeah, Chris got a new phone too.) were free. Whatever, so here is a picture of me at work taken by my co-worker. I'll work on my phone camera skills in the coming days.
Speaking of, this past weekend I spent hours editing, cropping, resizing and organizing my photos in iPhoto. There are a few things that I take pictures of more often than not. Whether I am on vacation, roaming the streets of NY, back at home in Texas, on the beach, or across the globe-with my camera in hand I tend to photograph these similar settings. I've discovered that there are some "go to" objects/ scenes that I capture. Some I realized, some surprised me. They are:
Produce -(at a Farmers Market) Or, markets in general- but mostly produce & flowers
Bicycles - the rustier the better, baskets on beach cruisers, and bikes with horns
Windows- widows with shutters in all shades, open window, windows that open on hinges like doors, windows with flower boxes, window that I can see in, windows with cats sitting in the ledge
Doors - doors to homes that are red or green or navy, doors with huge fall wreathes, doors that arch at the top, doors with big brass knockers
Trees & Leaves- obviously
Roads- cobblestone streets, brick streets, dirt paths, windy roads
Fences- wooden white fences, iron fences in front yards, rotting gray fences, barbedwire fences
These in addition to the obvious: sunsets, landscapes, beaches, water
I've started catagorizing my photos (which date back to about 2003/4) and I want to establish a creative way to use these pictures. I can only print and frame so many. Notecards? Calendars? Card table vendor at the Union Square Market? I love my photos and I want to acutally see them!
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