In addition to this I have been thinking about wonderful things I've experienced and enjoyed over the past few days. (Even since arriving home from my retreat.) Of course my husband coming home is the best part of my week- by far- but here are some additional things that have brought me joy:
1. Making a second visit to the "wash & fold" and letting someone else wash (and fold) my towels and sheets
I have relinquished this. I believe (now) that just because I don't have enough time in my day to do everything does not make me a terrible person/ wife/ member of society. It's not that we're wealthy, but this is just one of those things that I'm learning it's okay to let go of. I can't do it all. It's New York- it is what it is. And if $8 bucks a week saves me a little mental energy and gives me an additional night a week to go on a walk or spend time with my husband- so be it! (I'm still a little leery about having someone else do all my laundry for me--- but this is progress no less. I'm sure the day will com.)
2. Having a delicious Asian dish at my friends home in New Jersey.
I spent Tuesday night in New Jersey eating a wonderful Chinese inspired dish with kale, ginger, finely sliced onion, and chicken served over brown rice made in the kitchen of my dear friends. Liisa even gave me my own little jar of Five Spice, which smelled so aromatic throughout their home. I've never cooked with five spice, but the anise, fennel, cinnamon and clove made the dish amazing!
They had invited me to spend the night on their sofa, so of course I accepted the invitation. I got to play with five month old Lewis even though he was a little cranky Tuesday night, having missed his afternoon nap. But Wednesday morning in his chocolate brown jammies he was much more willing to let me kiss his neck rolls and bounce him in my lap. There's nothing in the world like getting baby lovin'.
3. Divine appointments
I love it when I just "run into people" on the streets of New York. Monday during my lunch hour I walked the 20 blocks to Madison Square Park where I sat, listened, just was & then turned around and walked back. It was during this mid-day jaunt that I ran into Lauren. Wednesday I bumped into Beth after getting my eye-brows threaded and later than evening when I was headed to yoga I turned the corner and spotted Kristin. Those hugs and gentle shoulder touches and brief five minute encounters do wonders for my attitude about living here. It's good!
4. Whole Foods food bar
bok choy
something called "power salad" with red cabbage, kale, blueberries & maybe pinenuts,
roasted eggplant
mango jalapeno cilantro cabbage deliciousness
5. Fresh peaches, plums, nectarines, tomatoes still warm from the sunshine which made them grow. ( I hate cold tomatoes!) Harvest season is here.
6. Putting Tessa's birthday gift in the mail. She turns two next week and I know she will have a sweet party.
7. Doing yoga regularly again at a studio only two blocks from our apartment. (30 days for $30!)
8. A phone conversation with my sister, LB
9. Downloading three new songs from iTunes, which I never seem to do anymore, and creating a new playlist I titled, Centering. This song was a wonderful find.
10. Buying six new books on Amazon for about $40- and I was able to complete my Anne Lamotte collection adding Traveling Mercies & Grace Eventually to my shelves. I've read these, but didn't own them until now. I think I'm going to start reading books that I own and haven't read yet... and re-reading books I loved. I'm currently reading/ praying through The Power of a Praying Wife. Good good stuff!