Friday, September 9, 2011


Today on my lunch hour I had four (or maybe it was five, I didn't want to look to long...) vials of blood sucked out of my arm. Every time I have blood drawn I think, "Why would anyone want to do this for a living?" I mean, perhaps this person is not currently in their career of choice or maybe they are working toward another job in the medical field, however I can hardly standing sitting in that chair, elastic band tied around my arm... Ehew!

As my left arm was being punctured, I looked over my right shoulder. On the wall, which was less than twelve inches from my face someone had hung an 8X10 picture of a beautiful waterfall with a nice wooden footbridge; everything was green, there was no piece of sky visible and it reminded me of Tibet even though I've never been there. I guess this was supposed to calm and distract me.

I've never passed out while having my blood drawn, but the first time I thought I might. So, I had my one of my best friends tag along for the show. I was 24 or 25 at the time, but I still needed someone to hold my hand. Needless to say, I have not gotten much braver, as my stomach was rockin & rollin for the hour preceding this lovely experience.

Anyway... not the point of today's post nonetheless, it's on my mind.
You're getting me at 5:00pm, before I leave at 6:00pm; weekend on the brain so here goes:

I was indeed, able to find black-eyed peas at the second grocery store I stopped in. I even took the dish to a new level and chopped up two jalapenos. I tasted it last night, before putting in the refrigerator to marinate for twenty-four hours and I can't wait to see how it tastes this evening. The recipe was called Cowboy Caviar, and even though I didn't follow it verbatim- it's more of a bean/ pea salad than just a BEP salad. Which is fine, delicious; it will be consumed- it's just not what I set out with intentions to make four days ago. Initially I had set out to make what my mother has always served on New Years Day- but I let my plans change I guess. Cowboy Caviar sounded more appropriate to eat alongside brisket.

Sunday is the tenth anniversary of 9/11. And I honestly haven't given much thought to it. I'm not worried or frightened as other in the city have expressed. There is heightened security- which is quite visible- but that is the case each 9/11.

We are having a special service at church with videos and testimonies and people retelling where they were and how they heard the news on that day in 2001. Not just people who were in the city on that day, but people who were in other parts of the country or the world. I heard (and hope that it's the case) that we may even hear snippets from our pastor's sermon from the Sunday following 9/11/2001. What he said. The hope he gave, how he didn't claim to have all the answers, how he responded- through love and grace- to the hundreds of people who came to church that day looking for answers. It's going to be a time of reflection and looking forward as well.

Summer is drawing to a close. Days are shorter, night air a little cooler. I've pulled out my hoodies and bought my first can of Libby's pumpkin. Here's to a beautiful inspiring weekend. I hope to reflect as well as be propelled into action; whatever's next in my life.

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