I'll begin with the latest: what's going to today. Tonight is the first Really Big Youth event that Chris has put together. Complete with door prizes, games, music and pizza- I'm praying for a successful evening. And my favorite part, hands down, is that if there are 100 youth in attendance that Chris will shave his face. I've been praying diligently. I have not seen the man's face since before he left for Rwanda. That was June 4th.
Chris was a huge hit in the dunking booth at our Fall Kick-off street fair a couple of weeks ago & this past Sunday was our very first Sunday with students. I'll be completely honest: I was a little nervous! I know that sounds ridiculous, but I haven't worked with students......ummm, ever. I mean I am the eldest of four children, so I can handle kids and just being social, but I told Chris, "I'm just afraid they are going to think I'm a dork." To which he reassured me, "They will. They will think you are a complete dork. What else are you worried about?"
Once I realized that I would never be seen as particularly cool by a 13 or 14 year old, then I felt better. And I realized that even if I did set the church kitchen on fire, or burn half of the chocolate chip pancakes or didn't have enough milk- that no one would care. (Well, except maybe about that kitchen fire...) But, all in all, mistakes make you approachable and people can relate. Plus, it would make for a memorable experience and really great stories....
Chris is just such a natural hanging out with youth... he's in his element. And I love to see him in his element. I've just got to stop thinking so much and just be myself. Those were actually his words to me, "Be yourself." So far, so good.
All I ever have to be is who I am. Which is hard when we live in a world of change who you are. Be smarter, be faster, reshape your self, transform yourself, remake yourself, you need to be like someone else... Someone richer, wiser, thinner, more intelligent. Not So.
Be who you are, who God's created you to be. Who He's continuously creating you to be.
Through Him and For Him and By Him all things were made.
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