I look like quite the eclectic artist walking around in my rain gear. My rainboots are zebra striped with bright pink roses- cut like cowboy boots, complete with pointy toes, a two inch heel and everything. They are actually much more comfortable than my huge Kenneth Cole goulashes which my feet flop up and down in. They fit like clown shoes. My raincoat is gray with a sort of plaid pattern. It's not a bold print, but it's not a subtle as a black or khaki overcoat. And the umbrella I'm currently using (which was in a pile left in my husband's new office) is a eggshell blue and turquoise whirlwind of Parisian scenes. I am not easily missed.
In spite of the cloudiness and constant rains, I've been lucky enough to catch "windows of opportunity" in which to dash to and from the bus/ to home/ to church/ to the wine bar. I gotta be honest, I tried to "opt out" of my vino engagement with four lovey ladies in my life, but they wouldn't let me. So, I went. It rained. It was still fun.
It's funny that rain just make you want to cancel life, all together, on some levels and not do a darn thing! But after three days you begin to feel that really, living indoors forever is no real choice, and you start digging your way out- even if there's no point in drying your hair in the morning or putting on nice pants. You just got to get out!!
The sun is peaking out now, I saw it for thirty minutes on my lunch hour, so that makes me feel hopeful. Perhaps when I get home I can wander the neighborhood, going from grocer to grocer in search of Black Eyed Peas. The D'Agostino I stopped at yesterday did not sell Black Eye Peas, canned or dried or otherwise. Disappointing but not surprising. I want to make Texas Caviar (or some version like it) for a meeting tomorrow night where our host is serving brisket. I just gotta find some BEP's, and some jalapenos too.
Even though it has been a short work week, I've been busy. Tuesday night, last night, tomorrow night- Saturday- forget about it! And Sunday's packed until 2:30 or so too. Saturday I don't even think I'll make it to a baby shower (for twins) in New Jersey that got rescheduled because of the hurricane. But that night, I am going to another Gotham Girls Roller Derby which will leave me wanting to start training for next years tryouts for sure. I loved my first roller derby experience, and I know this one will not disappoint.
Tomorrow: more about our 9/11 service planned for Sunday & the outcome of the BEP hunt! Because I'm from the The Black Eyed Pea Capital of the World, and I have to make this dish.
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