Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Home is...

As of today, Chris has been gone for one month. That is a long time for us to be apart. Even considering my month-long, unexpected trip to Texas during February and March. This feels much longer. I know this is because I am the one left at home. I shouldn't say left, really. I don't want to be on the back of a bike, sleeping in a tent, wearing the same three pairs of pants for an entire month. That does not sound like fun at all. And I know Chris doesn't consider it fun, but an Adventure. Yes, that is what he is seeking. Adventure. Bring on the rains, the 40 degree nights, the flat tires and sunburns. Ah, my husband, the thrill seeker. Why do you think we dated for more than TEN years before we got married? We thrive on drama. Yes, yes we do.

All of that to say, he has had his share of Sturgis and the mayhem that abounds there. Last night he told me within a week to ten days he'll be back! So, as much as I want him to see whatever states are between South Dakota and here, I can't wait to see his hairy face again. (Oh, yeah, the "adventure" also includes limited shaving and bathing!)

This is the email I received from him yesterday explaining his leaving the bike rally:

"I mean, if you're a die-hard Aerosmith fan, $120 is not a bad price for a concert and you get to camp for free.
But I'm not.
And I'm not even a HUGE motorcycle fan, just a Big Fan and Enjoyerer.
I'm more of a traveling fan. Seeing the country. State by state.
I think that's why I'm ready to move on.
I AM a huge fan of boobs; but, I like yours the best.
They're like home for me. Home is wherever my wife's boobs are."

For the sheltered and clueless who don't know what Sturgis is: naked women, drinking and lots of rowdiness are on the agenda all day everyday.
Ah, my husband. Romantic isn't he.

(I tastefully stuck with a cartoon image here. This is a family friendly blog. Well, I try to keep it at least PG-13. And, I will not be posting any of Chris's pictures... He is a red blooded man and if women are gonna flash, then he's gonna look. I mean heck, I'd look.)

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